Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Don't we all just love Daylight Saving Time!

Dearest Family,

     Happy Birthday on Monday, the 20th to Dak & Tchae!  Happy 7th Birthday on Thursday, the 23rd to Leanne!  Then on Friday, the 24th to Aunt Kathy!  Hope each of you have a special day!

      Don't we all just love Daylight Saving Time!   This week has been a week of adjusting!   It has also been an enjoyable week!  We have had some special times with family!  The Fikes arrived Thursday Evening!  We enjoyed having them here so very much.  Friday we spent the day here at home - worked in the yard, hauling branched & finished the quilt in the house! Darece & Whitney were also here. Friday night we gathered with everyone at the Grant home for dinner!   It was so great to be together! Saturday, Dad & I went to Billings to the temple.  Cheyenne received her endowment & it was wonderful to be there with them. Had a great day!!!  
      Had a nice visit with Jane, our cousin in Denmark.   She had been trying to find a Jens Pedersen, who is a younger brother to Grandpa Frank Petersen. She had found him on a Danish Census in 1930 & 1940 & he was widowed, which means he had a wife!.   But then she was just stuck!  She posted on a Danish Family Tree & received a response!  The name of his wife, Rasmine, she died 10 days after giving birth to their son.  We have found the son still alive when he was about 9 so far!   She has found another family for our family Tree!
       Today was so nice in the Powell 2nd ward, spoke in Sacrament meeting then helped in a Elders/High Priest group also!  Great Day
        Little Cozy had surgery to put in a permanent Shunt & is recovering from that - our prayers are with her!
       We love you all - have a great week - & CTR

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