Monday, September 19, 2016

We have Skyped with 6 people . . . .

Dearest Family,   
    Happy Birthday on September 20Tuesday, to Krysta!   Have a great day!   
    We have so enjoyed this week – there have been many opportunities to share this great work!   We have Skyped with 6 people, an Area Mgr in Ohio who trains others like us, a Primary president in Gillette, she will help us next week with her Ward council, & 2 Youth Family history Consultants in another Gillette ward.   The sister printed out a name while we were working!!!!! The youth were all so amazed at what can be done using their smartphone .  It was a first time experience for them, neither had any experience with actually doing FH & they were very excited.  It was also a busy week for follow-up phone calls!!!!

    Had a fun week quilting – Wednesday & Friday afternoons ladies came & helped!   We are really making progress!  I so appreciate them sharing their time & talents, serving in this way!
    Also had over a half inch of rain that was greatly appreciated since its been so dry!  The harvest is well underway with dry beans, alfalfa seed and sugar beets. They were cooler days which was nice.

    Stake Conference was wonderful!  Dad went to Sat 4pm leadership meeting for himself and to take notes for Rob since he was on HC assignment with the Area Single Adult Conf in Billings. It was great – Elder LeGrand Curtis, a member of the 1st Quorum of the Seventy was our visitor. We were taught about the things we need to do to draw near to the Lord on Saturday evening & then on Sunday  we were taught about Passing the Gospel on to the next generation!  So much insight & wisdom!  And a good review & reminder of the things we already know!  He is very gifted at using personal stories to teach the principles! The music was amazing & also touched my heart! It was so nice to enjoy dinner together & spend time with the Grants this afternoon. 
Bob & I had a nice morning on the lake on Friday morning, the catching was great then on Saturday attended the funeral of Jay Partridge 93, who served as Bishop in Powell 2 times plus Dad worked with him at the Univ of Wyo experiment station in Powell as a boy as well as Northwest Analytical Lab.
Love you all  Mom & Dad

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