Tuesday, August 30, 2016

It started busy & it ended busy!

Dearest Family! 
     Happy Birthday, Aunt Gaye on Wednesday, August 31st!   Happy Birthday, Darece, next Sunday, September 4th! Hope you each have a wonderful day!
    It started busy & it ended busy!  Monday was a training day for us – a WebEx conference with SLC & other Area FH Advisors from the North American Central Area! We shared for 10 minutes with the others & were able to get ideas from others also!  Enjoyed Visiting Teaching on Tuesday morning. We were able to do training via Skype & in-home training with High Councilors over FH!  Wednesday was some in-home visits!   We love Thursday's because we go to the Living Center & do indexing!
    I worked on marking a tricot quilt!  Had a nice visit with Rob one afternoon & with Joy one morning! Wow, did we have a fun day on the lake on Friday morning - the best catching day we have had all year! Lots of action – bits – catching – kept 2 catfish & put some others back to grow up a little more!

    Saturday – a Stake Relief Society Women’s conference –9 to 2 – refreshing & uplifting!  There are always ideas to help me!  Now it is just changing habits too become better & more like my Savior! Dad worked on alot of projects at home including getting our greenhouse ready to put tomato cutting in for the winter. Put new branches on our hunting blind by the pond and checked the deer cam SD card to see what is coming in the orchard for apples! Our new raspberries are producing right now berries about quarter size. Our lone baby California quail chick has a nice little top feather now and is too big to get thru the wire. We learned our lesson on how they can escape as chicks and will cover the pen with 1" chicken wire before next spring. It's been an education process with these new birds since they are so different from the bobwhites. Our pigeons don't like being locked up but to save them from the hawk we had too.

    We traveled to Sheridan on Saturday night then on to Gillette on Sunday a.m. There were whitetail deer playing on the church lawn in Sheridan when we left yesterday! It is just across the street from where we stay. Met with two wards today!  Due to the loss of so many jobs in that area the wards are quite small now. A special thought shared: A young sister told about her joy in finding names but realized she had to many reserved & was unable to get them done!  It was hard to unreserve them but she did!   One of her sisters had never found her own name, never!  They worked together, & now her sister is SO excited! She is finding names & is loves it! 
    We returned home via Worland today & enjoyed dinner with Allen, Amber & family! It was all new country for us this weekend so much greener on the east side of the Bighorn mtns! 

                        Love to all of you,    Mom & Dad

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