Monday, August 22, 2016

Dearest Family! 
    Happy Birthday to Micah Vehrs!  We hope you have a great day on Friday, August 26!  Happy Birthday on Sunday, August 28, to Uncle Bill! 
    Well, tonightSunday evening, I am trying to get back into the routine of writing the letter!  It has been a wonderfully busy, wonderful week!   We have Skyped  6 times this week. I enjoyed helping with the other 4 times.  Dad did  2 couples Tuesday evening, while I was still working as an Election Judge!  I am so glad I am able to do this! It is great to see so many people & I have learned so very much about this great land we live in & how this amazing process works!  We are indeed blessed to live in this land!
    It is great to help people learn more about this great work – then they can share it with their friends & family!  Today we visited the same 4 wards in Sheridan! We appreciated so much being able to spend Saturday night in Sheridan, then just had the return drive today! This time we were doing hands on training.  The people we had skyped with helped us in the Sunday School Classes as we taught!  It was so special to see their excitement as they found a family name for the first time!
    We so enjoyed attending our own ward’s Harvest dinner this week – we do miss seeing our own Ward family since we are gone so much!
    Thursday was so nice, we were able to attend the temple in the morning.  In the afternoon we met with Bro Smith who had flown in from SLC to meet with us & the another couple who cover the rest of Montana.  We had a special time with him!   The day was rainy & a bit cloudy so it was a great traveling day – cooler for a change.  We were also able to spend a little time at the Montana State Fair.  the two Billings Stakes have a booth there about Family History. 
     On Friday we visited the people in the Living Center who index, They had questions for us.  That is where we usually go on Thursday.
    We send our love to all of you!   Have a great week! Do something fun & CTR!

Mom & Dad

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