Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Dearest Family!
    Happy 27th Anniversary to Ken & Darece on Thursday, August 18th!  Have a great day! Krysta & Josh have set the wedding date forNovember 12, 2016!
    This week has been a great one!   I think it was recovery & catch up after Big Sky!  Dad was busy with watering & yard work & I was busy in the house, putting away, etc.  I even spent some time sewing on several projects.  We are grateful to have super home & visiting teachers & enjoyed their visits this week! It does give us some contact with our ward, since we are unable to attend there very often.  We were able to do our regular visits on Wednesday & Thursday this week.  It is nice to get back in the routine! Our time at the Living Center is always enjoyable! There are three people there who index all the time & they are each so glad that they can do the amazing work & contribute something worthwhile to the kingdom to help others!
    On Saturday evening we traveled over the mountain to Sheridan! Neither of us had ever been there & it was beautiful.  We had been as far as Sybley Lake, but never down into Sheridan!  We spent the night with Rod & Susan Workman. We appreciate their hospitality so much!  Sunday was spent in the 3 wards & one YSA branch in Sheridan.  What an amazing day!  We appreciated the help our Ben Smith, high councilor over FH.  The first time we are in a building it is always interesting. This building is very busy with 4 wards & meeting places are at a premium!  Today we were teaching the doctrinal principles & next week will be hands on!  It is so great to be in these wards around the area & meet new people & renew friendships from college, & see people with ties to Lovell. There was one ward, where we had not met anyone, then a sister asked, “How are you related to Rob Croft?”  She had known Rob at NW College in Powell, after his mission!   It is a small world!  When we arrived home, we were able to set up Skype appointments with people so we have a little more help next week when we do “hands on” training.  It will be a busy week this Week!
    Don’t forget, EVERYONE!  Tuesday is the Primary Elections!  VOTE

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