Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Happy Birthday,

Dearest Family,   
    Happy Birthday, Ryan, on Friday, July 1  & to Chris on Sunday, July 3!   Hope you both have a great day!!!!
    I  am a little slow getting this done, by last evening there was no concentration or think left in my brain, so now it is Monday afternoon!  We have had two great Monday morning’s on the lake. Last week we fished in Horseshoe Bend & brought home two nice catfish.  Today we fished in Crooked Creek Bay & finally caught one sauger! It was so beautiful both days!

    We have had a great time skyping with three people this week! It is super to share with people! We have also had several in home visits & a trip to the Big Horns to begin getting acclimatized for Big Sky!
    This week was Mustang Days so many activities were going on!   We enjoyed several of them.   I went to the Follies with Darece & family one evening. Bob & I enjoyed Queen Bee Gardens free barbeque, was nice to visit with the people.  We also helped serve food at the Family Fun Night!  Another opportunity to visit!   Had nice phone visits with Joy & Ryan this week!  

    On Saturday, Allen, Melvin, Leanne, & Camille were here for a little while to pick up some things.  We had a barbeque with the Grants at noon on Saturday.   Kirsten, Landie, Makala, & Nakota Bird were here visiting for several days so we enjoyed visiting with them!
    Sunday was also a special day in three different wards!  On this day we were sharing and discussing several videos of General Authorities who testify of the sacred nature of Family History, how it blesses lives & give some instruction on what leaders need to do. The spirit was there in rich abundance and several shared some very special experiences!

  Brother Croft had noticed a Bishop very much in tune with the presentation, he had just received inspiration about four names of young people in his ward whom they were to call as Youth Consultants. Right then he had texted the info to his counselors.
    ---A RS President & mother of children still at home, said, “I am so excited, I want those promises for my children!   I can’t afford not to have them!”
    ---A  HP Group leader was there & as people asked questions he would answer & say “oh, I know how to do that”   He later explained that several months ago he was given the “To Turn the Hearts” guide which is a supplement to Handbook 2 about FH.  In it he had read that he was to train the FH Consultants & others in his ward.   He decided he had better learn how to do it if he was to train people. He had really been studying!
    ---A FH consultant commented about convert retention & Elder Renlund’s promised blessings.  She shared that she had been helping an older man who had recently been baptized.  He had not had contact with his parents or siblings for some time. It was found that his father had passed away two years ago, (a sad part) but he had his recommend to go the the temple & do his baptism. The consultant had also located his mother, called her, & after several days she had responded that she would like him to call her. The consultant planned to share this with the man, so he could call his mother.  They had also found one of his brothers.  FH has the power to, “turn the hearts of your family together and heal that which needs healing.” Elder Renlund.
    ---Another Bishop, & father of children 1 to 14, returned a call from us after 9:00 p.m. He had just arrived home from the church,  & had been so excited all day about all he had heard! We will do a couple of Skype trainings with them at their home soon. Love you all Mom & Dad

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