Monday, June 6, 2016

Happy Birthday Bruce on Thursday, June 9th! 82 great years!

Dearest Family
    Happy Birthday Bruce on Thursday, June 9th!  82 great years!
    Our love & prayers to Kirsten & her family.  Saturday morning Aunt Betty passed away.   It is a sweet sorrow!  There will be a viewing in Mountain View on Thursday, June 9th, then a funeral in Powell on Saturday, June 11,  11:00 a.m. with burial in the Byron Cemetery next to Grandpa & Grandma Croft.  Some of you know Larry & Myra Sessions, relatives & Dad served in the Stake Presidency with him.  He was also our Bishop back in the late 70’s I think.   His wife Myra also passed away this week!
      We had a great party on Monday evening for Dad’s birthday!  It was great to get together to roast hot dogs & fry a few burgers over the fire down by the pond!   Weather had been off & on all day, but was great in the evening.  Dad & Allen built a great fire & the coals were perfect when it came time to cook.  Thanks to all who came & for the goodies you brought!  We also went to a barbeque for Bo on Thursday evening, enjoyable also!!!!! 
    I got a new hair cut on Thursday, feels really good!   Friday we floated around out to the lake, beautiful day, the first really sunny one all week!  And my skin felt it, I’ll remember the sun Screen next week! We had several bites and caught a small catfish. . . . the catching has been slow this spring for everyone, it will get better! Saturday, Dad helped Rob on a project, then he came out for lunch.
    We have had some special times this week helping people. We taught a young mother and her 7 yr old son on FS. Dad had the boy tell stories and record them in the FS memories app while I helped his mom process hints and new people. This young man wasn’t so sure he even wanted to be there when we came, but He had a really cool time with Dad. We enjoy do this & feeling the Lord’s hand in this work.
    And today, it was another marathon 7am to 7pm!  We were doing hand’s on, at a 4 ward meeting house in Billings. We were teaching their WC people to use the FS Tree app and many found names for the temple for the first time!  

    We were also invited by the Billings Stake Pres to come to his home next Sunday afternoon to teach a group of members they are inviting to learn FS Tree app. He is  being a good example as a leader doing the FS - Find Take Teach process! The Work continues to hasten at a faster pace each week . . . . many new updates to the FS process to make Find Take Teach even easier for everyone!
Love You all CTR Mom & Dad

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