Monday, June 20, 2016

Friday evening Courtney, Sheila’s daughter, from Jackson, called

Dearest Family!   
    Happy 2nd Birthday, Emerson!  Wish we were all there to help you celebrate!!!
    Monday was a nice day at home – had great visits with Joy & Cheryl!  Plus everyday we do some prep for activities coming up, today it was for the Worland Stake activity which was Wednesday evening.  We went early to Worland so we could celebrate with Allen & Family,  Amber’s folks & us, barbeque & 3 milk cake, his favorite!!!!  Our Worland Stake Activity was teaching the Stake Council how to u the apps!  Melvin, Ira & 4-5 others helped  & many found names!  We hope each feels the spirit & teaches & shares it with someone else.  It was wonderful to be a part of the birthday party & also have a successful activity too!

    Friday evening Courtney, Sheila’s daughter, from Jackson, called & was here in town. She had a step daughter at Powell at Girl’s State & her father was going to parts of that with her.  They were on their way to the Flathead lake to vacation for a week & also taking several young people there to attend a Cross Country Camp. Thanks to Darece, Ken, & Family, Courtney & 5 kids went to the lake in the morning.  4 of the kids rode the tubes & we took a ride to Devils Canyon overlook. It was a great morning & we all enjoyed it!  On Friday, Dad & I had been at the lake & caught two nice catfish! Beautiful morning.

    Then today, to Billings again!   We did a hands on lesson in three wards!  We enjoy this so muchs!  Some of the comments:   from several young mothers, “I have always felt I should do this, but didn’t have the blocks of time, with the apps, now I can do it in smaller, bits of time here & there.  A RS President, so wanting to get her sisters involved, a HP assistant realizing that several people passing out the names to ward members just wasn’t  the right thing to do – they are giving them a fish, not teaching them to fish!  A Bishop  & several Mission leaders seeing the vision of what it can do for their wards.  A young High Priest Group leader saw Dad in the hall later, after his priesthood meeting & shared how FH was what they had talked about in their meeting immediately after our training & how he was going to implement some FH in his quorum on a weekly basis. Then we also met with a newly called High Councilman over FH in his stake.  That morning, before our meeting he had been into the app & reserved his first name ever for the temple!  He is excited & ready to go!  While traveling home tonight, we reviewed the day, then this evening Dad called several whom we wish to do more training with!   It has been a wonderful day!
    It was great to have Rob & Michelle stop by on Saturday evening for a visit!  We also enjoyed Ken, Darece, Whitney, Kaitlyn & Talon visit tonight!

Our love to all of  you,     Mom & Dad  / Grandpa & Grandma

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