Monday, February 1, 2016

Our week has been a busy one!

Dearest Family,
    Happy Birthday!   Bryan  on Monday, February 1st!      Kenya is 12  & Daeja is 10 on February 4th!  Hope you each have a very special day!
    Well, another week has flown by so very quickly, filled with joy & some sadness & concern.   Greg Martin passed away on Monday, we’ll miss him but are grateful that he didn’t have to suffer any longer!   Uncle Charlie is in the Huntsman Clinic in SLC. He began cancer treatments for lymphona in the fall, & was doing quite good.  Just after Christmas he got pneumonia & has not been able to rally again.  White blood count has been outrageous! Also has several blood clots. He is in ICU. Karen & Carol are there with him.  Remember him & his family in your prayer! Will keep you posted on this?
    Our week has been a busy one!   Did skype with a High councilman & a Family History Director. They are both feeling the spirit & excited about the work. We helped several brothers in the care center record stories this week – that is always fun!  The public library was really a busy place teaching 5 patrons the new mobile app process and some regular FS too.

    Darece & I had an enjoyable day in Billings, a little shopping, & several hours in the temple, helping in the laundry!  It is a wonderful place to fold clothes & feel the spirit! Dad had a successful fishing trip to Deaver Res caught 6 big trout and kept 3 to smoke and fry.  The smoked ones are yummy! !! We also went again to Pond 5, beautiful sunny 40' morning, but only one fish! It has been the spring thaw this week with days in the 40's plus one in high 50's. Dad was able to do more yard work on these sunny warmer days.

     On Thursday evening we taught 25+ FH Consultants the new Descendants with Tasks process and answered several questions on doing FS.  Most of the LWS consultants are learning how to use mobile devices for FS. Sunday was a large day serving in the Worland and Cody stakes the same day. We spent the main part of the day at the Basin/Greybull building teaching (5th Sunday) on how to doDescendants with Tasks process. Left home at 7:30am and got back home at 4pm. After supper we headed to Powell to meet with Pres Greg Clark and HCman David Fales about how FH is going  in the CWS. We had a great 1 1/2 hrs with them and also taught them the new Hints process. We had given them the old process in Nov but the new one is much nicer and more useful!

Love you all so much, keep up the good work!           CTR Mom and Dad

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