Monday, February 8, 2016

Happy Valentines Day!!!!

Dearest Family, 
     Happy Valentines Day!!!! To all our wonderful family! May we find ways to love those who are most difficult to love!
    We love Sunday’s!!!!     What a privilege it is  to make and renew our covenants with our Heavenly Father each week!
     Today we were able to attend a Cowley ward – how nice it was to be in our own stake.  We had spent a lot of time in the Cowley wards before our area calling.  Today we taught a fifth Sunday lesson on the 1st Sunday.  We were blessed that they were willing to switch weeks around since our schedule was full last week!  We exposed a big group to Family History using the Descendants with Tasks and the process of FINDING a name, TAKING it to the temple, & TEACHING someone else to do the same. Now we pray that they will pray about it, try it & find some one to help them if they desire!
    Monday, Lovell Library, & a Basketball game for Talon! Tuesday, Indexing with my friend – she has now indexed 5000+, just doing a few each week!  Each one of us can make a difference!  That is 5000 names of our brothers & sisters,  on records to help us find our family & link them together!  We were also able to attend the funeral of Greg Martin with a large group there to hear the Gospel preached and testified of.  Also had an enjoyable evening in the FHC working with several who wanted to learn the apps & just begin exploring Family Search & learn to do some indexing!
    The rest of the week, Thur, Friday and Sat from 8:30am to supper time we focused on Roots Tech 2016 being held in SLC.  Over 25,000 attended plus all of us across the world on the web. We so enjoyed all the different topics which were covered and the testimonies of the blessedness of FH in ones life!  We would suggest you goto and watch the replay of the Sat afternoon presentations for Family Discovery Day with Elder Dale Renlund and others. You will be uplifted and taught what the Lord wants us to be doing now. With 3 days of TV time our eyes are ready for a break and our hearts are overflowing with excitement for the work! ! !
     Friday at noon we did the Friday Forum in Powell at the Institute!  It is great to be with over 30 of the young people and teach them how to use the FS Tree app process "Descendants with Tasks"! They were headed to the Temple that afternoon as well. Following this meeting we went to the Powell FH Center to work with 3 adults there for a couple of hours. We have known these folk for many years too. At 4pm we met with the Nazer family (they lived in the Whistle Creek area near Penrose for years) at the Powell Crown Hill Cemetery for a grave side service for Jack Nazer. We have known his sister for several years for she is one of the FH consultants in Lovell. She has become like family and we enjoy her friendship. She loves FH and has been a big supporter of FH in the LW Stake for several years! 
    Also a report on  Charlie.  He is in the Huntsman Center in SLC, his family is taking turns being there with him.  They have found more cancer & his kidneys are not functioning well.  No decisions have been made as to whether he is going to do more treatments.
    We send our love to all of you!  You are a blessing in our lives!     CTR Mom & Dad

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