Monday, February 15, 2016

Another wonderful week!

Dearest Family,
    Happy 37th Anniversary to Frank & Gaye on Monday!  Happy Birthday, Ken, on Tuesday!  Enjoy your special days!
    We have been reporting on Uncle Charlie each week!  He was able to return home to Jackson on the 10th from Salt Lake, but passed away in Jackson on February 13, 2016.  We will all miss him, but are grateful that he didn’t have to suffer any longer.  No funeral details yet.      
       Another wonderful week!  We have had some special times this week & some learning experiences!  Enjoyed going to one of Talon’s BB games!  Enjoyed visiting  with Ryan & Quinn Saturday evening! We love seeing each one of you – whenever!  And also visiting on the phone!  Dad and I ice fished at Deaver Reservoir for 2 hrs on Fri morning having some  bites, lost some good fish and caught two big rainbow trout to smoke. It was a warm sunny time on the ice! With the warmer days and nights the ice fishing won't last much longer.

    Our morning in Cowley was especially busy this week with more to help and our other Missionary couple was out of town!  Tuesdayevening in the FHC was also busy with three couples!  The Zeller’s are lots of help for us – they have been called as Family History Missionaries.  We appreciate them.    We had an enjoyable evening in Cowley on Wednesday with a group of Laurels & Beehives, finding temple names!  I spent the evening helping a Beehive young lady get her account set up!  Sometimes that can really be a test!  She was so excited when we finally got it completed – it had been a frustration for her for some time. 

    Saturday we were in Billings Stake (Covers from Red Lodge to Harlowton and west half of Billings), doing training with the High Priest Group Leaders & Family History consultants from 9:30 to 11 am. It is a big stake, 15 units, We were missing only 4 units, the close ones sad to say!  Some traveled quite a ways to be there!  We had a special day  & now have many who would like to do more training via SKYPE.  It did have it’s challenges, Plan A. B. C didn’t work........ It was assumed that every building has a flat screen TV with HDMI hookup ..... & there wasn’t .....Another computer & old analog projector was acquired...but the computer hadn’t been used for awhile so spent 15 minutes updating programs..... Some stayed until 12:30 after the 1 1/2 meeting – & we were able to do more one–on-one with them!  We just find that all are so excited to learn!   Each one we teach is excited to find that they can learn to do this work!

    It has been a special week with several  HP group leaders that we have trained in the past getting back to us with success stories, lots of enthusiasm, & a few questions.     Today we spent the day in Powell 7th St chapel again.   We wanted to spend more time with the Ht Mtn YSA ward.    We had several young people who had attended the Friday Forum FH trg last week tell us of finding names & taking them to the temple – two young ladies found some after the ward had gone to the temple Friday evening.  They were so excited to go that on Wednesday several of them went on their own to Billings Temple to do the work!   How special to have them go on their own!
    When we arrived in one ward today, an eleven yr old young man, came hurrying up to Dad, all excited! He had found 5 more names after Dad had taught he and his dad last week after a funeral here in Lovell.  We teach anyone and everyone about the new apps where ever we can! WE love to teach the "Foyer crowd" during Sunday school time! We also helped in their FHC & Dad was able to work with several HP group leaders, a Bishop & other priesthood leaders! We learned this evening that John and Diane Paxton have been called as full time FH missionaries and want to come out tomorrow for a visit plus some training!
    We love you all,  it has been wonderful to talk to many of you the past few day!    CTR  

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