Monday, April 20, 2015

It has been a great day!

Dearest Family,    
    It has been a great day!   We love General conference & Stake conference – but it is so nice to get back in our regular routine! We had several Lessons, and helped in workshops today!  Today in one class a brother was downloading the Memories App onto his IPad.  He asked if he could add a picture to which I replyed, Yes, do you have any pictures on your IPad? No – he said & the Sister sitting beside him suggested – “Take a selfy!”  He hesitated & she helped and we added his first picture!  We then went on to discuss the whole story which could be written & would be unique to his family in the coming years!
    Bro Croft had another special experience with an elderly sister, 80ish whom we visited this week.  During the visit we taught her how to add audio.  She read a history about her deceased husband using her smart phone (which she had bought for herself because she wanted one & did know how to use it) She came into a class this morning to have several questions answered & he had her tell the class what she was doing. She talked about how great it was & what she had done & won’t it be special in the coming years to have her voice telling her husband’s story!  In a 4 o’clock class there were two visitors, one being her youngest brother, 65’ish.  She had told him all abo  ut it!  Now he was asking more questions & getting ideas about what they could do at their Family Reunion this summer!

    It was also our Youth Family history consultant Meeting tonight! Brother Croft talked to them -about the Family Search Memories App & Tree App.   They also shared thoughts about the Indexing challenge.  With all the busy-ness of school & conferences It has bogged down a little!   Then where do we go after we reach May 10th when the Youth – Adult Challenge ends!?   We had an enjoyable evening with them & pray they will catch the vision especially of the Memories App! Adding Audio Stories about our own experiences & our Memories of our parents, grandparents etc is a very special opportunity.  Bro Croft had several other special experiences with other people about recording stories.  We can see it in their eyes & feel the spirit as they realize that this is a way they can do FH.  The spirit testifies that sharing their own stories is a part of Family History!

    Thank you, Grants for your help in the yard on Monday evening, it was great to get a couple of messy jobs done!  They go fast with many hands & more muscle that we have!  Then on Wednesday Evening Darece brought a friend of hers to the house to show a book which she had. It had bee published in the early 70’s & was very interesting.  Then on Friday, Ryan called & wanted to come visit! Rhonda & Quinn were gone to a NWC music festival in Colorado & his folks were also out of town!  We loved having him. He & I went to the Prom Grand March & then on Saturday we all went to the Lovell Track Meet to watch Whitney Pole Vault!  In the afternoon, he helped Bro Croft replace an outdoor faucet.  Thanks so much for the help, Ryan!  we so enjoyed the your company!

    A Wyoming weather week too 80 and sunny on Tuesday and a major blizzard with high of 32 on Wednesday! ! ! The same storm was very nasty in the Laramie area.
    Some of our visits at the Care Center were canceled because of a flu bug there, but we were able to go on Thurs & a brother there recorded several  very humorous experiences which he had had!
    Wednesday was our morning in the FHC which is always great!  We are helping Crosby’s.  We enjoy this day!  Felt like a new “women” – got a hair cut on Wed.& it sure feels wonderful!     
    As you can see, our week has been filled with all kinds of activities – a little of everything & we also had home teachers & visiting teachers come! 
   CTR, love you all, 
  Bro & Sis Croft

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