Monday, March 31, 2014

It has been a great day!

Dearest Family,
    Happy 10th Anniversary, Allen & Amber!
    It has been a great day!  A 5th Sunday & we were able to give a Memories - Photos & Stories lesson to the Youth & Adults in a ward. We just pray that they will feel the spirit when they see the photos in their own tree!  Today we were able to add the photo of the parents of the Bishop.  We were also able to share the Portrait Pedigree of the HP Group Leader – he has family members who have added a lot of photos!
    We finished up with two youth classes today, just in time for General conference this week & Stake Conference next week!  The young people enjoy the classes!  They have been able to get ready for their Trek Experience, some have found names & others the story of an ancestor to take with them on the Trek!

    Monday was a finish up day after our FH Fair- taking down posters & returning a wheel chair.  We attended the funeral of Bessie Zeller, & had our usual time in the Public Library with several patrons – they are tops! We were also able to visit with two of our newer Bishops about the blessing of Family History in their wards & how it can help the members! 
    Tuesday – three appts! And patrons in the center!  We are beginning to see people working on their tree at home more, then coming in when they have a challenging problem.  It was good tonight – a consultant assigned to help in the center,  a patron & myself all learning as we corrected a tree!

    Wednesday – FH meeting to critique the FHFair – several appointments, one to set up accounts for 2 young boys, & get their trees & their Mom & Dads connected. In the process, Dad found the info on a deceased uncle whom he was named after & reserved the temple ordinances for him. We will be having a FHE there tomorrow & have them look at, & add photos & a story!   That is a fun evening for them & they love it!  Several groups of YW were looking for stories & names, one in Cowley & one in Lovell.  Bro Croft & I helped in Cowley & witnesses one young lady with quite a sad background feel the spirit of the work.  Her comment as we finished the evening,  “I wish we could do this every week – it’s sure fun!” The Ward Consultant who helped her was still talking about it today & how special it was! 
    Thursday – our morning in Cowley!  Darece came by in the afternoon & we analyzed Whitney’s prom dress.   I’m glad I am able to help them. 

    Friday – was able to help with the dress at Darece’s house & in the afternoon we relaxed it has been a busy couple of weeks.
    Saturday – laundry, cleaning, preparations for Sunday, etc.    We went to Powell in the afternoon! Chalin had his wisdom teeth our this week and was pretty sore and swollen. He reported that he and friends had gone to Deaver Reservoir to campout and fish but it was still ice covered. They had a nice night however. We checked Horseshoe Bend web cam and saw the ice mostly gone off of it. This is the latest date for it to be ice free for many years! Dak and the boys helped us load so we could  haul our last two file cabinets and a soil grinder home. Thanks men!!!

    Daeja met me at the door when we arrived announcing that she had her LDS account! (When youth turn eight they can get one) We spent the next hour looking at her tree!  She had already added some pictures & we were able to link them! We had fun!
    What a blessing it was to attend the first ever all Women’s Broadcast in SLC for every sister 8 years old and up!  I had two great companions,  Kenya & Daeja!  So many special principles shared, it is hard to pick one which really stands out in my mind.
    Love to all of you & CTR    Bro & Sis Croft

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

We have worked & planned for months

March 23, 2014

Dearest Family,
    We have worked & planned for months & now it has come & gone!  Saturday was our Stake Family History Fair!   What a wonderful day!  We were up & at the church at 7:30 a.m. doing the final setup of TV’s, computers & the digital equipment!  We have had such great help with all the planning, registration, etc. & it all went so smoothly! We feel so grateful & blesses!  There were at least 130 who attended & many expressed their appreciation for a great day!  Blimpies Sandwiches for lunch, then back to classes.  Seventeen different classes were held, with 4 going on at a time. We had people of all ages, including youth thru out the day! Classes  included such things as Family History & Facebook, FH & Blogs, Doing FH in your Sleep, 10 things I learned from my couch, Heidi Swinton & Stories, Using an ipad for FH, Search Techniques, just to name a few!

Open time in the Family History Center

yummy lunch & social time

    Sunday evening was a fun night, two youth in the Family History Center!  One, 12 years old, had attended the FHDay, by herself yesterday, then tonight was setting up her acct & connecting her tree.  She got so excited about the pictures! The other one has been in a SS class for the past 5 weeks & loved it, commented tonight that she wishes she could continue in class, she didn’t want it to end.  She has been coming into the FHC every Sunday night the past few weeks, sometimes bringing Mom, she said tonight that Dad wanted to come next week with her. Tonight, using Puzzzilla, we found a family with 6-7 children who all need temple work done!   Boy was she excited!     Several weeks ago, her Mother was doing some searching in  She was looking at the headstone for the employers of her grandparents.   In the background she noticed the headstone of her grandparents.  And on it, the maiden name of her Grandmother, spelled differently than she had spelled it!  Results were finding several generations of family using this new spelling!  That “Spirit of Elijah” sure has a way of helping everyone!

    Wednesday was a nice day in the FHC covering in the morning!  I helped a patron & Bro Croft was able to do training with a consultant, helping her become more familiar with new lesson material. It is always great to have some one on one time to help them. 
    We have been in several new homes this week, that is always fun to help people get started!  In most homes in our area that includes a call to our internet provider, most are not receiving the service which they should. Our Sunday was great also, 2 youth & 1 adult class, open library time.   It was just a great day!

    We got finished in time on Sat to run to Powell to hear Daeja and Kenya play the piano at their recital with Mom as their teacher. Joy really enjoys her piano students and they all did great. It was a quick trip but very special to be there!
    When ever we have a spare 30 minutes or so we do some yard work now the snow is gone. Mom even cleaned out the greenhouse of the grass and weeds that grow in it every summer. We plan on getting pipeline rural water in the next few weeks so we want the line to come into the greenhouse that they lay by horizontal drilling 6 ft down. It is solid sand  rock so drilling is the only way to go and not make a huge mess. We will keep our well going for the lawn and our emergency water supply.
Love you all Bro & Sister Croft

Monday, March 17, 2014

It has been a wonderful week!

March 16, 2014

Dearest Family
    Happy Birthday,  Dak & Tchae!!!!!
    It has been a wonderful week!  Isn’t that what we always say!  We have a new FH consultant in one of the wards!  We have worked with her three times this week. Her tree is interesting, with 3 of 4 non LDS lines!  She is 50’ish, a convert & has never done much with FH.  She has computer experience. That makes it easier. She is mainly learning about FH, it is fun to work with her, different than many we help  & she is very excited!
    This week we had a very choice experience with a brother, the only member in his family, who has been in Iowa, caring for his dying Father. He so wanted to share this spiritual experience with us & we felt blessed that he would!  He talked of giving him a priesthood blessing just before his passing, & the great love he felt for his Father! He also came home with a car load of memorabilia, letters, pictures, etc.  that he continues to sort & add to Family Tree.  He also has a tree full of Green arrows, the ones that indicate ordinances needed. Many of his ward members are involved helping him with the ordinances!

    Our classes today were filled with a variety of ups & downs!   The downs, internet crashing at times in all the buildings!  There is always several who have forgotten their user name & password. We expect that!!! The ups..... A 13 year old young lady, just getting more & more excited each week, adding pictures, learning about searching records – she started out angry about doing this in Sunday School. Some one’s tree connecting the first time she went into it!   A big class – in a ward that is just getting started. Several young people excited about seeing an original record about a grand parent!  Witnessing a Youth class, in a ward that has been doing the FH thing for 3- 4 years.   3 consultants, 2 youth consultant helping 6-7, 12-13 yr olds learn about their family, some finding temple names, some finding a story for trek! It was a special day!

    Family History Day is fast approaching, this coming Saturday & more registrations were turned in today!   We have been planning & preparing for months & this time next week we will be reporting on it’s success! 
    Rob came to have dinner with us on Monday evening while Michelle and Krysta were gone to New Mexico. We enjoyed visiting for awhile!  Dad and I did an outing on Friday morning out to Bighorn Canyon to see the sites since the weather has been so warm. There were a lot of Bald Eagles near the Causeway on the ice, such majestic birds of prey! We are also doing  some spring yard work now our snow is gone . . . . .after almost 4 months of white cover.

   It has been a great week – just remember – each day you are making family history! 

CTR – we love you all

Bro & Sister Croft    

Monday, March 10, 2014

Warm, in the 50 degree range,

March 9, 2014

Dearest Family;
    Another wonderful Sabbath day - - - and week!  Warm, in the  50 degree range, plenty of  mud, slush & water in various places! We are enjoying the warmer days, tho! We had wonderful meetings today, & great classes & open library time – with great people coming in to work, youth & adults both!
    Dad did a TV interview on Monday a.m.  A lady from Cody does shorts about various topics for several TV stations in Casper & Billings.  She had done one several years with Dad about Big Horn Lake & wanted to do another now on this high snow pack year.   We did hear from friends that it was on the Casper TV sometime last week, but we didn’t see it our selves. 
    Wednesday was a busy one, with preparations for a Consultant training meeting & two youth groups after the Meeting!  A YW’s group about 12 of them & a YM & YW group of 25 from another ward. 
     We just use different rooms in the bldg & have one group bring their own computers.  They are getting ready for Trek, finding a name for the temple & a story about an ancestor.  We had several in the FHC tonight working on the same projects.
    Friday was a wonderful day in Billings.   Was so great to be in the temple!  It was a busy day there with a full session even at 10 a.m. We surely enjoyed it. We also visited with friends from UW days & Bro Croft discovered that a man (now retired from the USBR) whom he has worked with over the years doing Lake Stuff is a member & was in the temple!
    Dad washed the car on Saturday, it was a mess with all the dirty melting snow on the roads. The snow here at home is melted down to only a few inches from the almost three feet we had a week ago. All the fields have large ponds in them since the ground is still frozen. Ice jams are causing flooding on most rivers in our area plus the Yellowstone River at Laurel yesterday was really plugged up at the refinery bridge and flooding, but by afternoon, it had moved down river leaving 10 ft ice walls on the land. A field at Bridger also was covered by large ice chunks over 3 ft thick. Bighorn Lake has risen 3 ft in less than 48 hours with all the low elevation melting sending high water into it.

Ice jam in Worland causing flooding
(Allen took this photo)

    We have a busy schedule this week again and it will be very warm too. Final prep is being done for our Family History Day on March 22.  Each day, as we have helped our patrons, we witness the spirit bearing witness to them of the sacredness of this great work. This happens whether they are indexing, preparing names for the temple,  looking at, reading or adding photos an stories.

    Love you all, have a great week!
        Brother and Sister Croft 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Still winter!!!!!!! Even had a snow day!!!!!

March 2, 2014

Dearest Family,
    Still winter!!!!!!! Even had a snow day!!!!! We awoke to snow again on Monday!  6” We canceled our time in the Public Library & did prep things, reviewing videos, preparing for upcoming Family History Day, some research for a patron, indexing, & I did some quilting – then that ever present snow shoveling project!  Surprise - another 4” on Saturday .  The temps went to well below zero 4 nights with a low of –16 below on Wed night. The weatherman sayes it is to be a warm week – above freezing nights and high 30’s days – we are sure praying he is right! I guess I am almost ready for some mud again!
    It has been a week of lots of variety!  On Wednesday afternoon, we helped with an Activity Day with young ladies – it was their second time. Several brought in pictures to scan & add to their tree! What great young ladies!  Went to Byron to help YW  - they were all going great – then the inevitable – the internet crashed!  They are always so patient about it!  On Friday we worked on it again & have decided it is an equipment issue when we heard it crashed again today (Sunday).

    Today was the first day with all the new wards – lots of changes for everyone.  The Bishop of the Second ward is David Briggs with Ryan Mangus & Jack Carpenter as counselors!  It was fun to hear about the members of our old second ward being called to various callings in their new wards.
    FH classes continued, with three youth classes & one adult class this week! There were new people in the various classes because of the changes in boundaries.  We had open library in several other wards.  We are extra busy now after all the ward changes getting people registered for the Stake FH Day on March 22. There will be so much awesome information given we want as many as possible to benefit from it!

    It is great to see an increase in the patrons on Sunday & Tuesday evenings!  Both days were busy this week – we love it!
    Al and Ambers family came early Sat so the boys could work on their 2 Pinewood Derby cars and visit. We enjoyed being together for lunch and  those afternoon hours before the reception!

    The Lovell Lanes bowling alley was a buzz on Saturday evening as friends and family gathered for Bo & McKinzea’s open house! Everyone had a great time visiting, bowling and eating all the yummy goodies. At 7:00 pm, on the PA system, Bo thanked everyone for coming and said  “ the parties over! It was very cold outside but so warm and friendly inside! Mom helped the ladies keep the food area supplied while I enjoyed the people!

We love you all!  CTR!
Bro and Sister Croft