Monday, January 20, 2014

What a great day!

January 19, 2014

Dearest Family,   
    What a great day!  Attended 5th ward!  Michelle was one of the speakers & a young lady, who leaves for her mission next week!  What great talks!  Had open library time during SS. We were off to Cowley for SS in both of the wards there, with lunch in between!  Both were youth classes, abt 8 young people in each one. One class was about photos & stories, the other about temple name submission! These youth are amazing & boy, do they respond to seeing the pictures & stories! On young man added links to ancestors on a photo his Grandpa had submitted. There is a special power in this which touches their hearts!
    In the afternoon, we had 2 more classes in Lovell, one a first lesson & the other an open workshop with 5 attending. One of the brothers who attended the open workshop, had not been into the tree for some time.  As we looked at pictures, he found a family picture of his father, siblings, & parents.  He had never seen the picture before & was amazed at how much he & his father looked alike at age 12, a spiritual moment. 
    This evening we had a Mother-Daughter (age 14), who worked together on different parts of their trees, the daughter has been in a SS class also. was their gold mine! We love to see this! A gentleman came in, he’s a regular, but had a new memory stick his sister had sent with amazing pictures on it!   He has his time planned out for the next while, getting them all in & linked to his family!  We also had several consultants who were learning about new things & sharing with each other!   It just seems that the whole day was just about as perfect as it could be!
    Public Library Day, we each had several patrons,  Had a FHE with a family, helping them with their scanner.  Bro Croft has used lots of brain power this week figuring out how to set up the scanning software on several combination printer/scanners. That can sure be exhausting but the inspiration comes!
    Our indexing Sisters ( the ones in their 80’s) continue to be an inspiration to us!  One is struggling with eye problems. Her eyesight is deteriorating very quickly! She wants to continue so much & just keeps praying that she can. And she does it – amazingly well.  We are also discovering ways we can show her ways to enlarge things on the computer screen – Computers are amazing & made for this work!
    Friday was a wonderful day in Billings, so blessed to attend the temple!  Afterwards we were at Wendy’s for lunch! A Wendy’s supervisor, who travels around Montana was there & asked us about out tags & what we did! Golden moment!  Then later when we were eating, she came by our table again to asked more questions!
    We attended Elwood Emmett’s funeral on Sat morning, a wonderful service done by all of his children! Mom and I went out to Pond 5 for a couple of hours to try the afternoon ice fishing in our usual place and yes, you guessed it, she caught the big bass. We enjoy these outings a lot enjoying each other and the Lord’s great outdoors!  Our evening was spent in prep for tomorrow!
    Six months ago, we joined another site for help with research call My Heritage.  It’s specialty is more in European research.  I was in there several days ago, & noticed a response to an email I had sent to Jane Burkholtz in October asking her how she is related.   Her reply:   “my great-grandmother, Stine, is a sister to Frank L Petersen”   How amazing!   She lives, you guessed it, in Denmark & is a cousin!  We’ve chatted via email several times & are looking forward to more!  She does read English, and also writes it with the help of Google Translate.
    Well, this is just a short summary of a wonderful week!
   Congratulations to Ethan & Bekah – they are engaged!   Happy birthday to Whitney! 
Love to all & CTR    Bro & Sister Croft, FH Missionaries

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