Monday, January 13, 2014

This has been a week of many emotions!

January 12, 2014

Dearest Family,   
    Happy Birthday to Michelle & Mica this week!  Hope you have a special day!
    This has been a week of many emotions!   A tragedy hit the community when a 28 yr. old women was killed in an industrial accident at the Sugar Factory.  We felt so sorry for the family, her parents in Alaska, &her many friends here!  Bro Croft had helped her several times with some family history at the  Public Library, she was a very loving caring single lady. We were able to go the service at the Lovell Bible Church.
    The remainder of the week was a busy one!  We are again getting back into a routine after the holidays.  Our Sisters are indexing again! J Q is coming to the library – and we are enjoying working together again, she had taken a month break during Christmas.  Bro Croft also had several people stop by whom he helped.
    Wednesday the Bishop who was so spiritually touched  seeing his grandfather photo last Sunday, came to the FHC with more pictures to scan, he so enjoyed his time there. When the hearts of the leaders are turned, it effects everyone!  Today another Sister in Cowley told of a experience.  She also had a grandfather who passed away when her mother was a small child.  She had found a picture of him in Family Tree & it was a spiritual moment for her also.  We feel so blessed to see the Lord’s hand in the lives of people in our Stake!
    Joe & Pat, some regulars in the FHC, are back again, coming to the center.  It is fun to work with them because of their enthusiasm!  Both are converts in their youth & enjoy the work – now they have started doing photos!  Also had a group of YW  in the FHC this Wednesday,  some looked for temple names, others pictures & stories, & others indexed!  They enjoyed it. I worked with one of their leaders who was stumped on her line. Hope the ideas I shared with her will help her.
    Last Sunday & today, we were in several youth classes who were just beginning!  I had helped a young man last week who lives with grandparents, his father is deceased & that was the line he wanted to work on.  During the week, thru Facebook, he & his Grandmother were able to find more information & help. 
    One of Bro Croft’s projects the past while has been with scanners.  Many have printer/scanner/copier units, but have not used the scanner function where it is possible to crop & save photos & documents.  He’s getting to be quite a pro at figuring these units out & setting up the program on the computer!  He also helped a young man solder his charging cord for his iPod.
    As you can see, it has been a busy week!  We also ice fished a little one morning at Pond Five getting some large mouth bass, enjoyed having Rob & Michelle stop by, went to half of a High School BBall game. We were relieved to hear of Ethan’s safe arrival in Albuquerque, NM where he will be living now.  We heard that Darece gave a wonderful talk in L2 today on serving others!
    We love you all & CTR  (remember now for those of us over 12 yrs old, CTR means Current Temple Recommend )
  Bro & Sis Croft

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