Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New Year!

January 5, 2014
Dearest Family,
   Happy New Year!  (if this doesn’t work, just cut & paste it)    Here is a link to five goals we have been challenged by the prophets to set!  Two relate to FH directly, one is FH among the living (finding someone to share the gospel with) & the best way to have them feel the spirit is to teach them about FH; the fourth, letting go of a grudge, how can you hold a grudge when you are busy doing FH & the fifth, Bro Uchtdorf challenges us to become an expert in a gospel topic in the scriptures.  We thought it was pretty amazing set of New Years Resolutions! 
    Congratulations to Bo & McKinze!  “Now that’s the way to play tennis”
    We have had a wonderful week!  It has been great to get back into the swing of our FH missionary activities!   Library day was great with our non-member lady & her husband.   One of these days she will be asking about the gospel!  Tuesday was back to our indexing sisters, one has a new computer so it took some time to get things installed, etc.  Next week will be more productive for her!  Also opened the FHC on New Years Eve & worked with one of our new youth consultants! 
    New Years day was great, it was so grand to see Allen, Amber, Melvin, Ira, Leanne & Camille!  Thanks for spending the day with us!
    Thursday, spent the a.m. in Cowley & had three other appts, another with a new youth consultant!
    Friday a.m. Dad & the Fike boys went bass fishing at pond 5!  All the girls hung out at the Grants, making signs with vinyl lettering or the reverse, doing the glass etching which is done also with the vinyl lettering templates.  Dad & I rushed off after a quick lunch, yummy Hawaiian haystacks, to a mtg about the youth FH devotional by Elder Neil L Andersen in Feb plus the FH Fair to be held in March!
    Saturday was a prep day, finishing up on the lessons for Sunday, especially the Priesthood one, we like to use examples from members of the group!
     And them the Sabbath Day!   New meeting schedules in most of the wards!  We are now attending the Lovell 5th ward who meets at 8:00 a.m.  This is Rob & Michelle’s ward!  We bore our testimonies in this ward today!  We had also been asked to do a follow up lesson about the My Family Lesson which the Bishop had done. It was to all the Priesthood brethren, 12 & up, about 30 brethren!   One of the very special things which happened; we had got a picture of the Bishop’s father to upload, & after doing that, we looked at his picture pedigree, which included a picture of his grandfather!  He had never known his grandfather & had never even seen a picture of him!  Was a special experience of him!   Have an appt to do more with him this week.  The remainder of the day was equally as enjoyable, with patrons in this evening in the FHC. Bro Croft also met with the Youth consultants as a group tonight!

    The spirit made it a warm evening, even with the temp at –10 degrees  (at least)
We love you all! Thanks to all of you for your thoughtful Christmas gifts & also for the great example each of you are to us!
Love Bro & Sis Croft  

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