Monday, June 3, 2013

June 2, 2013

Dearest Family! 
       Happy Birthday Grandpa Bob & Bo!!!!!  Congradulations, Shari & Zac, we are so excited for the arrival of your twins, Kaylee & Kamben & are thankful all are well!

How quickly the weeks pass! Memorial Day - a holiday!  We were at home, - all day!  Scattered showers & sunshine off & on! Some major moisture was received in some places 1/3” rain at the house but the Bighorn Mtns got two to three feet at Bald Mtn on Thursday night. We saw some photos of the  Porcupine area. . . . green grass one day three ft of snow the next. We were able to do lots of things here at home.  Finally, the raspberry patch is cleaned out!  The bush cherries think they have the right to take it over!
There has been lots of new things added on  There are new training things for Ward consultants & other inspiring things.  Now the question is " How do we inspire them to read them!  But you know, that is true with every calling in the church! There are so many inspiring things to uplift us & guide us, just on alone.  All we need to do is listen a little & apply a lot!!! The Key “yougottowanna”
We had a morning in the FHC 9:30-1:30, were busy with patrons.   I came home & studied on one tree & was blessed to figure out & be guided to the correct things for MJ. Tomorrow she is coming to the Public Library so I can share them with her.
Dad has continued to work on the blog!  He is doing a great job & it is out there for all to see, "Public"  The Croft’s in Wyoming He feels so strongly that this is another way for us to record our stories. We've done house calls, phone help, a little bit of everything.  I was able to spend several hours with June Woods, who was in Lovell visiting. She had been one of my RS counselors years back.   It was so good to see her & visit.
"Stand ye in Holy Places"   You know, we can do that right in our home when we do things to feel the spirit. Things like Scriptures, prayer, FH/FTree, indexing, tell first then record our spiritual experiences & the miracles which happen every day in our lives.
We took the rest of our PDay on Sat morning boat fishing for a couple hrs at HSBend. A nice warm sunny time to enjoy the Lord’s creation....... no other boats on the water. No fish for supper, the Big one got  away but an awesome time together!
Nate and Kaitlyn did some family baptisms  at the temple on Friday with the Lovell Second ward youth too! Allen and Amber did some family temple names at the Billings Montana Temple Saturday, then stopped by for supper on the way home to Worland. A special couple hrs  with them. Boys even fished for a few minutes in the pond.
Today was the usual busy Sunday, sacrament meeting in L1, helped teach FH in 4 wards plus 3 hrs at the FHC this evening. Our 7:30 am to 9:30 pm schedule. What a wonderful day full of spiritual feasting!!!!
We love you all & CTR    Mother & Dad

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