Monday, April 2, 2018

No this isn't an April Fools Joke!

Dearest Family!

No this isn't an April Fools Joke!   i really am writing a letter!  The month has gone by so very quickly- I find it hard to believe!   But it has been a very busy one with all kinds of activities!

We have missed a few birthdays & an anniversary!   Happy Birthday to Connor Hellberg on March 1!  Dak & Tchae on March 20, Leanne on March 23, Aunt Kathy on March 24!   Happy 14th Anniversary to Allen & Amber on March 30!
Happy 1st Birthday to Lexi Grant on April 7th & Happy 12th Birthday to Ira on April 8!

More new babies!!!   Ethan & Bekah    Tchae & Cheyenne 

Oh - by the way, we are expecting also!  The first of March we realized that a pair of Great Horned owls are nesting in the big Blue Spruce tree at the top of our drive way. We can see her from our front door. I saw the mate bring in a meadow vole to feed her, told Dad and we quickly watched together the feeding routine. This week the chicks should hatch. We are excited to watch them over the next many weeks. They will need lots of groceries and our pigeons and cottontail rabbits may be get on the menu! Dad will mount our wireless webcam on the house so we can see better! 

We had a wonderful time in Worland with Leanne at her baptism! So glad we could share her special day!
It was also great to have the Fikes visit during their Spring Break!  Family here in Lovell got together one evening for dinner! They also spent time in Laurel looking for a home there.  We are so excited that they will be there.

A report on Michelle - on March 21, she had hip surgery & is doing great!  She was out & about at our Family Dinner yesterday!  

This past month has been so great!   We have been working with three couples who have been called as Stake TFHConsultant-Lead They will work in their stakes teaching the leaders, Ward TFHConsultants & exciting the people around them.  All are so excited & great at working with the people! It is so amazing how the Lord works! 

It was fun one Saturday to teach in the Cody Family History Fair - we were able to fill in for a couple who were called out of town due to a death in the family!  A blessing to be able to help!  We enjoyed teaching, of course, about the Apps.  Dad did the Memories app & I did the Family Tree App!   Then on Sunday we spoke in three wards in Billings & did a 2 hr training in the evening!  That was just about enough for one day, but the Lord blessed us with the needed energy!  Another weekend we stayed with a Lead couple, did their One-on-One experience & spoke in the 2 Laurel wards!  They helped us with our 2hr training for leaders in the late afternoon! 

Then last weekend we went to Absaroka, it is a very small branch in Montana!  While I was speaking, Dad was inspired to change our planned presentation to a Family History Experience (just a very basic class about all we can do in FH) We did this with all of the branch, youth & adults! It was one of those really amazing days when the spirit is there to testify to greatness of this work.  An eleven yr old young man summed it all up as he shared how the blessings of doing FH will help him!  All of his great-greats help him & his own stories & experiences will help his grand-children & great-grandchildren!  "Out of the mouths of Babes!"   we were taught! Our Stake Leads were there with us & all of us had special experiences during the practice time!

On one Sunday after I left the stand, the Bishop said to Dad, "I need to apologize to Sister Croft, he went on to say, "She mentioned the name of the App, I down loaded it, & there are two names, in my office on the printer, which I found & printed while she was speaking!" Dad accepted the apology and told him he had got the  message!      This Bishop will certainly fire up his ward in the coming weeks!

Last Wednesday we had fun helping with an Activity Day group of girls, so fun & they get so very excited!

What an amazing weekend this has been!  General Conference was wonderful with many new things announced! We have enjoyed so very much watching it, having Allen, Amber & family here & dinner at the Grants. Just the basic changes: no more HP groups all will be in an Elders Quorum. Home teachers and visiting teachers will be ministers now. No monthly message from the Ensign, just pray to meet the needs of your assigned families. It can be a text, email, phone call,athletic event, just drop by, service project, whatever the family needs. No monthly report just quarterly interview with your leader. YW Miamaid and Laurels will go with older sisters to visit their assigned sisters. Its all about loving and serving the one as Jesus would! By 4 pm on Sunday all the new changes were on the website and we had received an email about it too as Elder Holland had said.

And what a great way to end General Conference, to have our Prophet bless us all - 
He challenged us to study the talks and then -    He invited all God's children on both sides of the veil to come unto their Savior, receive the blessings of the holy temple, have enduring joy & qualify for eternal live. Eventual exaltation requires our complete fidelity now to covenants we make & ordinances we receive in the house of the Lord.   He then announced 7 new temple & said, "These particular temples probably wouldn't affect our lives but your time in the temple surely will.  In that spirit I bless you to identify those things you can set aside so that you can spend more time in the temple.  I bless you with greater harmony & love in your homes & a deeper desire to care for your eternal family relationships. I bless you with increased faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ & a greater ability to follow Him as His true disciples. I bless you to raise your voice in testimony as I do now.  That we are engaged in the work of almighty God. Jesus is the Christ. This is His church which He directs thru His annointed servants. I so testify with my expression of love for each of you in the sacred name of Jesus Christ

We feel so blessed to know there is a prophet on the earth!

Our love to all of you  & CTR          Mom & Dad

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