Monday, April 9, 2018

A week of many Birthdays

Dearest Family!

A week of many Birthdays -  Ira's 12th was today!   and he was to be ordained a Deacon!  Surprises happen! A stomach flu bug has been ragging at their home, started Wednesday with Neil, Camille, Ira, then on Saturday, Melvin, & Sunday, Amber &  Allen,   No church today, we talked to Ira this afternoon & decided that he was the nurse today, on his birthday!

Happy Birthday, Kirena on Monday!    Happy Birthday, Rosie on Saturday, & Happy 21 Birthday to Chalin on Sunday, April 15!  Hope your days are each special!

Congrats to Ethan & Bekah - they are having a baby GIRL!!!!!

It has been quite a week for spring storms!   Monday arrived with snow falling, then about 10:30 it turned into a raging blizzard!   Multiple car accidents in several places!  It was a day to stay home & enjoy a good book, sewing or what ever. Tuesday Darece & I were to go to Billings & it was super icey that morning & snowing in Billings!  I hibernated in the sewing room & Dad moved a little snow & built a new birdhouse for the yard!

The Wyo Hwy Dept made some changes in the highway by our canal to prevent us from getting flooded out like last year. They removed an unused oiled drive way across the road that acted liked a dike to send the water over the highway thru our place instead of letting the water run north down the west borrow pit  and drain away down hill to the north.  We appreciate this safety change! !

Tues, Wed, & Thursday were busy days with ZOOM trainings, It was a good week to be inside, so there were several others who we helped on the phone!  Not much snow or rain for several days then again on Friday we got 5 more inches of wet stuff!   It is melting with warm tempatures!  

It has been a great Saturday & Sunday with our Stake Conference!  Enjoyed it so very much with some things to ponder & improve on for us!

Love Mom and Dad

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