Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Saturday & Sunday we enjoyed the Star Valley Temple Celebration/Dedication.

Dearest Family,
    Happy 2nd Birthday, Quinn on Thursday!  
    It has been a nice week here, weather has been a little cooler, but still nice.  Tuesday Darece & I went to the temple, It was good to be in the laundry mostly sewing, shortening slips.  When we were almost finished, the Temple Presidents wife Sister Getz & one of the other matrons, Sister Melin came in.  She had heard that there was this easy program to find names for the temple & was asking about it.  Was wonderful to have an opportunity to tell her about it!  Also had a Sister we had taught in Buffalo stop me in the hall to say how she was enjoying using it!  Dad has been doing some deer hunting on the days he has time.  Plenty of leaves to rake now which need our attention too.

    Wednesday was our Skype day!   One at 9:00 a.m. & one at 7:00 p.m   Helped a sister in her home in the morning after the Skype training. In the afternoon we went up to see Gaye in the hospital.   Last Tuesday she had surgery for a blockage in her digestion system.  Scar tissue had built up around her intestine & shut it off!  On Saturday afternoon she was able to go home from the hospital.  Marlene is here for a few days to help her!  Many prayers were answered! We are so grateful  that she is doing better!
    Thursday was a busy day helping people with Family History & we also attended the funeral of Ruth Murphy.  Bill & Kathy arrived in the afternoon & we had a nice evening with them, then went to the Temple on Friday. The temple is such a beautiful place. We are so blessed to have one so near & be able to spend time there.  As President Ezra Taft Benson said, “It is a place of increased revelation.”
We so enjoy having them come to visit!  Thanks for coming, Bill & Kathy!   Some of you may remember Dorcas Anderson, her funeral was on Saturday with the grdchildren doing most of the service.
    Saturday & Sunday we enjoyed the Star Valley Temple Celebration/Dedication.  What a fun & spiritual evening that was.  Sunday the Dedication was broadcast to Stakes thru out Wyoming, since it is the first temple in Wyoming.  Miracles of Technology are so special,   We were able to attend it this A.M.  Elder Bednar was the apostle who did the dedication.  He also spoke at the Celebration, reminding the youth of the power of protection from the adversary which they receive when they find names of their own ancestors for the temple.   It is true for all of us!
    Then this evening was spent with the Grant Family!  Nathan decided it was time to roast a pig, Tongan style.  He did all the prep on Sat so the roasting was Sun afternoon. They setup in their picnic area by the canal, used charcoal brickets  for fuel and since the pig was about 70 lbs dressed it took over 6 hrs to cook. It was a cloudy, damp 55' temp, no sun day. Quite a learning experience for all involved.  With a smaller pig it would be much easier and quicker.  We had a wonderful time there & it was really yummy! 
Love to all of you!!    CTR    Mom & Dad

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