Monday, October 24, 2016

Dearest Family
    It has been a wonderful week with beautiful fall weather!  We have had some nice days- we have worked on a juniper tree in the back yard & finished cutting it down. (It was 65 yrs old by the growth rings)  There were several by the back gate, by the garage, that had grown really tall & were covered with vines.  Dad has been working along, getting the vines off.  Finally it was ready to be cut down. We even have all the branches hauled to the burn pile. We have enjoyed seeing the Big Horns & the field behind the house again! Dad has also been watching/hunting for deer morning & evening!

    Wednesday was a busy day for me – back to working with Sister Burnham  & Judy Quarles!  Super day!   AndThursday was also a full day!  Cowley Chapel in the morning, Living Center in the afternoon & another sister doing photos/stories! Also had home teachers & a Skype appt in the evening!
    We picked grapes one day & then later in the week I make Grape Jelly!  Boy does that ever fill the house with an amazing aroma!  The juice was so sweet this year & oh-h-h so yummy & the jelly is even better, so different than what one can buy.
    Had a great day on Saturday!  Allen & Amber went to the temple & all the kids stayed here in Lovell, actually at Darece’s.  Dad picked up the boys at 8 a.m. Kaitlyn did hair & fingernails on Leanne & Camille.   Darece, Whitney & I  and Neil went to a super Saturday at the church!  They worked on projects and Neil & I visited & just enjoyed being there.  Dad and the boys cleaned up a few more branches, looked for deer, did some target shooting with a 22 rifle and ate lunch/talked for an hr at Minchow's food court!  In the afternoon the kids did more things at the Grants.  I had told several people that there were grapes here so Patty Despain & Jacob, his wife & children came over, picked grapes & did a little fishing.  Allen & Amber arrived home about 5:30 & all of  them had dinner here then picked grapes and apples  before they headed back to Worland.   Was a great day!!! Dad and I reviewed our talks some more this evening before bedtime.

    Today we were in the Greybull Ward, both of us spoke in Sacrament Meeting on the blessings and the how to process that allows all to do FH work, then headed for Worland to watch the Croft kids in their Primary program. It was so special to enjoy that with them! Went to Sunday school & Relief Society-Priesthood with them. At 2:00 p.m. we headed for home.   We had time to stop & visit with Leona, Lavon & grandson Colton who stays with them part of the time.  Had a super 1 1/2 hr visit!
    Arrived home just in time to eat & go to Lucy’s 1st birthday party! There are alot of cousins 1 to 2 yrs and babies in the Grant family right now! It was great to visit with so many and watch the children interact together. We were able to setup several appts for the next two months this evening. With all the extra activity such as Star Valley Temple dedication, Regional Conf, Stake conferences and 2 fast Sundays there are not many regular Sundays where we can speak. We will be focusing on the 3 stakes here in the valley for awhile now! The Worland stake has 2 new bishops and 1 new branch pres to trg now.
Love you all Mom & Dad

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