Monday, September 12, 2016

Let’s see – now where to start

Dearest Family, 
    Happy Birthday Rhonda on Saturday, September 17!!!   Have a great day!
    Let’s see – now where to start, maybe with Monday September 5, Labor day! We had planned on just being at home!  I spent time putting together a new set of slides to teach from.  It seems there are just little changes in the program & eventually we just have to redo our slides so that they are accurate when we teach! I am so thankful for the help I receive when I do this!  It seemed that on that day I was guided to names that would show all the different examples which we needed to show! We then visited at Rob & Michelle’s to see how the hydroponic gardens were doing, then Rob came out here, did some Family History, had lunch, looked at Dad’s hydroponic gardens!   Went to the Grants to visit, they had been gone for the weekend. Whitney & Nathan had visitors there who had went to the Big Horns with them for the weekend.
    Received word this week, that a cousin, Bob Jones passed away at age 85. He is the only son of Uncle Haskin Jones, who was a brother to Grandma Petersen. We also attended funeral services for Norald Emmett.
    This week was a busy week for Skype Training, always fun,  when it works, & also fun & interesting when it doesn’t!?!?!
We also had some first!   A High Priest group leader set up an evening activity for members of the Ward Council in his ward.  The week we were in that ward, we ended up with only 15 minutes of class time, just not adequate for teaching hands on.   He & Dad spent one morning getting the bugs worked out of it – the group was going to be at the church in Sheridan & he hadn’t used Skype very much.  Then on Thursday evening, 7 people came. We felt it was very successful – and also learned some things to make it better next time!  That’s what life is all about isn’t it?  Doing our best, learning, & discovering what will make things go better next time!
    We also had some very successful times with a High Councilor over FH & the Stake Presidency member over FH, both in the same stake.  We pray the future finds them working together, teaching others in their stake!  That is the perfect way to have it happen!
    I found some time to do some hand quilting – I am beginning to find it quite relaxing & Dad has been working on his greenhouse & other outdoor projects.  It seems like lately there are t-o-o-o-o- many wasps & he is always headed somewhere to spray another nest of them.  Friday was finally a prep day.
    Saturday7 a.m. found us heading to Sheridan – Ky was playing tennis there & we enjoyed watching his doubles match at 10am!  He & Miles did great & won again.  We need to see more of these so that we know more about this sport!  Also had some time to visit with him.    Saturday afternoon we visited with Terry & Elsie Peters, friends of ours who moved to Sheridan a few years ago.  We had been helping them with FH via the phone & it was great to do it in person for four hours.  Went to Arby’s for supper, shopped a little in Walmart.  Visited with a few people from Lovell while we were there!  Also had a nice visit in the evening via phone with Tchae, Joy, Daeja, & Kenya!
    Then Sunday, left Sheridan at 7 a.m. for Gillette where we visited Gillette 3 & 4 wards. Two brothers at the Bishops.  The internet in those Gillette buildings is very up/down too making for some frustrations for them and us. The visits went well even with the challenges we had today! In two weeks we’ll go back & do the hands on training.  They and us have stake conferences next weekend. We had traveled 300 miles by the time we arrived home tonight at 5:30pm. (400 miles for the weekend trip) There were vehicle harvested animals eg: mule and wt deer, rabbits, coons, porcupines, skunks and antelope on the road this morning, We have wondered for years why some nights so many animal get killed on the highways?? At 7:30 we visited with Pres James Boulter and family of the Ranchester branch via Skype about the FS apps. They have a branch social for 3 hrs this Wed evening where they eat together and do indexing or FS. We will officially visit their branch next month. We have been close friends with his parents since college days. They now live in Casper and we see them serving in the temple. Love you all Mom and Dad

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