Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Every day is busy in a special way!

Dearest Family,   
    Happy 4th Anniversary to Micah & Kirena, have a wonderful day on Thursday!
     Every day is busy in a special way!  I enjoyed marking a quilt for Josh & Krysta & also getting it on the frames.  It is started but isn’t progressing very fast yet!  but it will soon!  Dad has been busy getting things going in the green house – he now has tomato cutting that are rooted & will be producing this coming winter!  We had a fun evening on Monday with the Brother Checketts & his family!  They came down to fish in the pond!  We also enjoyed on Thursday afternoon going to a Middle School cross country track meet here in Lovell. It was fun to cheer for Melvin!  He was running his very first race in middle school & did great!  It sounds hard to me – but he said he really enjoyed it! We have visited with Phil & Emma Lynn this weekend while they have been here working on their home – it looks as if they will be moving back! I am so excited to have them here – Emma & I had such a good time together!
    We enjoyed boat fishing on Friday, lots of catching again but all too small to keep, under 5 lbs. We will start plainer board trolling soon now its fall, we enjoy that alot! The whitetail deer are still coming into the orchard most nights, mostly a group of all ages of whitetail bucks. The early season for us starts on Oct 15.
    It has been a very busy week this week with lots of Skype training!  We did 6 in preparation for Sunday to get several of the leaders more familiar with the process so they could help each others today!  Again we say, “It is fun to see their excitement!” (I know, we say that every week, but it is so  true & the blessing are so special.) Then today we were visiting in the same wards again & the ones we Skyped with were helping the others, so all learning & getting excited about the possibilities to use it in their wards!  We also did a Indexing Lesson in one Relief Society for their 1st Sunday Lesson!
     Today was quite a day traveling home!  We returned the Tensleep way, traveling from Gillette to Buffalo, then to Worland.  Over the mountain it was rainy on the east side & we were in the clouds literally with almost zero visibility!  We were very blessed that it was only for a short distance, then I think we climbed in elevation & were above them.  On the west side of the mountains it was sunny for a little ways!  Enjoyed dinner with Allen & Amber & family! Great food & the company was even better!

Sorry I am slow getting this sent but remember:  We love you all & have a great week!   Mom & Dad

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