Tuesday, July 5, 2016

What a beautiful day it was today!

Dearest Family! 
    Happy Birthday, Wednesday, July 6, to Aunt Marlene!    Happy Birthday, Friday, July 8, to Amber!
    What a beautiful day it was today!  We traveled to Colstrip, Montana, 213 miles from home.  The weather was beautiful this morning, several very large flags waving in the gentle breeze, just many thoughts of this amazing land we live in, since the 4th of July is very close. It was new country to both Dad & I, even tho there are Sessions family who live there.  Bishop Wesley Session is Mike  & Judy Sessions son who is Thurman & Ethel's son. Thurman is Gdpa Alvins younger brother. So three generations of this family life and work there. We met with the ward council during Sunday School time them during Relief Society/Priesthood we met with all the adults, a first Sundaycombined lesson! Like all the other wards, the brothers & sisters are so excited to find names to take to the temple.  This is a small ward with about 70 in attendance in Sac Mtg. The trip home was wonderful, except for an horrendous rain storm between Laurel & Fromberg. If it would have been snow instead of rain it would have been a super duper blizzard!  We were blessed to not have hail during it!

    We went boat fishing twice this week at Bighorn Lake having a great time and catching sauger and catfish in Crooked Creek bay. The lake is 5 ft from full and filling slowly . . . .may never get all the way this summer. Our garden and new raspberries are growing  nicely but dad has to water everything 2 to 3 times a week with such above normal hot weather for June. We attended  the funeral on Friday of an older lady who was a FH Consultant for years in the Lovell 3rd ward. Her husband is in poor health too and uses a scooter to get around.
    Tuesday we had a great day in Billings!  Went to the temple first & after doing some temple ordinances, we visited with Brett Morrison, temple recorder & Tammy (Savage) Wheeler who also works there, helping them understand the apps.  Dad was very patient while I shopped for fabric. We went to the Billings FHC & then in the evening, met in the home of a Stake President, his councilors, & their families.  It was a successful FHE with all finding names for the temples.  The Stake President, his wife & family had already been taught by a member of the High Council so we assisted them in teaching the other people who were there. This family live next to Lake Elmo and the Lake Hills golf course in Billings Heights, a very pretty area! Pres told dad he has only golfed on the course once in many years.   So very enjoyable, but a l-a-t-e night getting home. 

    We have been able to do skype training with a Bishop & his two sons, also a high priest group leader.  It was so special to have a sister call just to say Thank You!  So Sweet!  Saturday we had a very special surprise, Josh Fink & a friend stopped by to visit!  He is doing great, living in Logan & working there as an electrician .   It was so good to see him & meet his special friend who has her degree and now getting a second one in speech therapy!

We love all of you,  have a great week,    Mom & Dad

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