Monday, July 18, 2016

Started out with a cooler day on Monday! We even heard about a little snow & frost in the mountains.

Dearest Family,
    Happy 2nd Anniversary to Ethan & Bekah on Tues, July 19! Happy Birthday Vicki, on the Thursday, the 21st, and to Talon on Friday, July 22!  We love you all!
    Started out with a cooler day on Monday!  We even heard about a little snow & frost in the mountains. It was a nice day to pick a few more raspberries!  Monday evening we had a wonderful evening with a family, 5 children ages 3 to 13. The 3 year old was exhausted after a night of asthma & a trip to Cody, but all the rest had a wonderful time & so did we!  Even the ten year old was so excited to find a name for baptism & talked to her older sisters about doing the baptism for her, since she isn’t old enough!  The 7 year old has had some amazing experiences telling stories in the Memories App.  The older girls were fascinated by it all, they recorded a story or two, found names for the temple & were fascinated by the original documents which they were able to see.  It truly is the day for the youth! 
    I so enjoyed having VT’s this week & also enjoyed going!  We have great Home Teachers who visited us! We appreciate them coming so very much! Did some boat fishing on Tuesday but no fish big enough to keep and dad went out to shore fish in Crooked ck while I got a perm. His fish were too small to keep as well. My perm and cut are feeling great! Our pair of California quail in the field hatched 7 chicks on Tuesday  and they are growing fast. . . so tiny out of the egg. 

    It was a slower week for Skyping, did a Bishops family and a FHConsultant in two different wards in the Billings East stake. Looks like almost every evening is busy for next week! Dad went to the mtn on Sat morning to walk and saw where the semi had rolled over and lost a load of paper for GP wall board plant, the driver wasn't hurt. We attended the funeral for Eva Beddes (Frank was her husband) at the funeral chapel on Sat morning too. So nice to visit with Randy and sister Margo, they both have large families of their own. He gave a very stirring talk to the group, mostly extended family of his Mom and bore strong testimony encouraging them to live the gospel better.

    Today we traveled to Forsyth Montana, almost 400 miles round trip!  It is a small branch, has  an amazing little new phase one Chapel! We taught in Sunday School & Priesthood/Relief Society about 30 folks in class. Nice to have a longer training time and they were all so excited to learn the new process! Today they were missing their YM/YW.  Didn’t think to asked how many they had.  It was a very special day! We setup Skype with two families for next week to get them some FS Tree app advanced training so they can teach the others

We love you all!  Have a great week!  Mom & Dad

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