Monday, April 6, 2015

It has been a wonderful day & week!

Dearest Family, 
     A very Happy Birthday to Ira on Wednesday, it is his 9th one – and to Kirena on Thursday -  Who knows how many?
    It has been a wonderful day & week! We enjoyed General conference so very much.  It was great to have Allen, Amber & family here this A.M. We had a great time at Ken & Darece’s home for lunch together.  Rob, Michelle, Josh & Krysta, Ken, Darece, Kaitlyn & Talon, Allen, Amber, Melvin, Ira, Leanne, & Camille, Greg Martin, Joshua ?, & Dad & I!   Great to see everyone! & be together.  Enjoyed the afternoon session at our house & went to the FHC tonight! Had some patrons in, & consultants helped each other!  There is always plenty to learn!
    Saturday was a nice day also, Dad helped a neighbor with a new well site, enjoyed the a.m. session of G.Conf then went to Powell for the wedding & reception of Evee & Landon Greer!  Enjoyed the day so very much!  Gaye’s family were all able to be there.  Nice to see Rocky, Tiffany & Brock, Brady, Paige, Harper & Hendrick, Teecee & friend, & of course meet Landon & his family!  Marlene also came, it was nice to see her! Visited & enjoyed the afternoon.  Also helped several people who asked us about FH to download the apps.  We watched General Priesthood meeting here at home.  Dad had invited someone to come over but they must have been busy with farm work
    This week we had a some wonderful experiences with new patrons,  at the public library, the FHC & also in Cowley!  A Lady came to the Public Library on Monday, then came again with another consultant on Tues evening – what excitement!  On Tues evening, one of the people who had come with the Headstart group came in again!   I had received a response from a photo request I had sent to Findagrave for her.   Thursday a.m. was a busy day in Cowley with several people & a new lady who was very excited!   Bro Croft & I helped her in the afternoon to scan & do more in the FHCenter!
    When we had a spare moment we kept working on  our spring outside work and it’s coming along. The nasty wind last Saturday rearranged a lot of limbs and leaves where we had already cleaned up, but that’s how Nature does. Our spring flowers were looking good until Fri morning when the temp was 17’ then 27’ the next morning, a little frosty! They are looking some better now. The flower bed is full of wonderful flowers!

    Amongst all of this were also appts daily, visits etc   & a Family History consultant meeting!  Bro Croft gave a wonderful lesson on using the FS apps especially to add audio to Family Search!   It was a hands on meeting with most of the consultants using the apps on their phones or handheld devices. Miracles happen – we had no internet connections in the Center when the meeting started – but thru prayer – service returned.
Love to all of you,    Bro & Sister Croft.

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