Monday, April 13, 2015

Another great week! a little slower paced!

Dearest Family, 
   Happy birthday to Rosie on  Tuesday & to Chalin on Wednesday– He’s 18!!!!!!
    Another great week!  a little slower paced! We had a special time at the public library, both of us were able to work with non member walk-ins.  They are getting familiar with the program & their excitement continues!  It is very special to witness their enjoyment & drive to do this,   “Spirit of Elijah” the Holy Ghost bearing witness to the sacred nature of the family. Even when families are dysfunctional – there is still that amazing desire to learn.......
    Bro Croft has been busy outside doing spring work, the weather has been nice. It won’t be long before there is water in the canal for irrigation.  It will be different this year – much quieter – since the canal just south of the house has been buried.  We will miss the running water sound that has been such a soothing sound for so many years!  We awoke on Monday to find our vehicles covered with a grey mud after a very light shower at 4 am, looked as if you had sprayed them with a water bentonite mix. Dad called the National Weather Service to see what was in the air that day . . . . no word back yet . . .  but sure a mess  

    We have new directors of the Family History Center, Pat & Sylvia Crosby have been called!  Denny & Linda NeVille have done a great work the past 7 years.   We met together this week & also helped the Crosby’s one morning at their home! Change is always good!  One morning we were getting ready in the bedroom and looked out to see a doe Mule deer watching us thru the window! She wandered around the house then into the orchard to eat. We went to HSBend to shore fish on Friday morning getting 3 Big Carp . . . such a nice sunny windless time for 3 hrs! Made catfish bait from one of the carp and froze it. Oh, Dad shot a Eurasian Collared dove and made jerky from the breast meat  . . . GOOD!

    One evening we were able to go with the Elders to visit a non-lds couple! They are very excited about FH, the wife especially.  Bro Croft also has the husband excited about recording histories & stories on his handheld device!  We are going back next week!  Was a very special evening!  Another day, while I was working with a sister, again I was reminded of the power of the Holy Ghost & that still small voice.  She had many duplicates in a family which she had entered & had commented that she wondered if she was doing something to create the problem? I was beginning to think that also, but didn’t know what it was. She left the room to answer the phone & I continued to delete duplicates. As I did this, I saw in my mind very clearly, exactly what she was doing – so very special.  after finishing that family I shared what I had seen in my mind, she was sure that was the problem.  We are so very thankful for this guidance each day!
    It has been Stake conference this weekend.  So many references were made about Family History. It has such great power to retain converts, activate & spiritually uplift individuals. We are beginning to see this in our stake! 
    It was a nice evening in the FH Center, several young people came in to index.  There were 8-10 others there during the course of the evening! All were consultants but were learning about FH, & indexing!
    We are all ready to get back in the routine of regular meetings, with two week of conferences it sure changes our pace.    We send our love to all of you, CTR & have a great week! 
  Love Bro & Sis Croft

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