Monday, February 2, 2015

Went to Billings to the temple on Friday!

Dearest Family,
       Happy Birthday February 4 to Kenya, she’ll be 11 – and to Daeja, she’ll be 9!   We hope you all have a very special day!
    What a wonderful, busy, sunny week!  We love it!  It is so wonderful to witness the spirit in the lives of people around us!  One of the highlights this week was watching a young lady, 17, indexing for the first time! The first batch, she tolerated, the second one, a little easier, & then she began to feel the spirit! Then she wanted to do a third one!   It was a longer one & she was so excited about each name! She worked until it was finished, past the time everyone else was finishing, abt 9:20 p.m. most had left at 8:30. She was there with the YM-YW of her ward & big brother was waiting!  She was so excited to have done 170 names that night!
    My 13 yr old deacon who comes to the public library is getting really good at finding ancestors, we think last week we solved a puzzle, tomorrow we will confirm it! We have helped people index, record stories, add photos, even talked to a sister at the Living Center about all the possibilities there are to record stories with the patients she works with!
    Went to Billings to the temple on Friday!  We both had a extra special time doing some initiatory work for 6 family names from Symp, Dad’s was special because one of the ordinance workers Dad knew as a three years old in Laramie. Dad had lived with this family for a while just off his mission and had played with this little boy. Now he  is 6’ 6’' 300 lbs with grandchildren of his own! They had a nice visit as well as getting the temple work done! It was a special day!  Had a fun FHE or was it date night with a couple Friday night!  They are super excited to enjoy the blessings of Family history!
    Then today was nice – it seems in all our classes we had workshops – it is great to work one on one with people!  Today a Sister found an amazing picture of a group of 8 – cousins, uncles, kids ages 2 to 16 – all holding a puppy!  She thought she knew several in it but wasn’t sure & she knew the person who had submitted it. Bro Croft finally said why don’t you call her right now! & she did.  Her cousin was getting dinner for the missionaries, She told her the name of one of them, then said she would get back to her later.  15 Minutes later she called, was so excited, had found the picture & shared the names of all the people so our Sister could tag them in the photo!
     Just a little scripture insite:      
        1 Nephi 19: 1    And it came to pass that the Lord commanded me, wherefore I did make plates of ore that I might engraven upon them the record of my people. And upon the plates which I made I did engraven the record of my father, ( a little about Dad’s life- memories of him) and also our journeyings in the wilderness ( our daily activities  & the activities of our family, life today), and the prophecies of my father; and also many of mine own prophecies (spiritual experiences of both our fathers & ourselves) have I engraven upon them.  Interesting?!!!!  Sounds like Family History!!!!

Well, we love you all, keep up the great work,  CTR,    Our Love, Bro & Sis Croft

       & By the way, the Youth  & their leaders have indexed over 111,000 as of Jan 25, they started December 1, 2014!

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