Monday, February 9, 2015

The week was a busy one, 2-4 appointments per day.

Dearest Family,   
    Another wonderful Sabbath Day – we attended the Lovell 4th ward Sacrament Meeting then their Sun School Class! Their lesson was on Submitting Names for Temple Work.  It is one of my favorite lessons to give – the video we us is just perfect & there is always such a special spirit during this lesson!  It was also the lesson for the Cowley 2nd ward!  We also had two wards holding Ward conference today so that changed our schedule a little!  We are able to visit other wards during this time & we enjoy that! Several wards did lessons on Indexing, since beginning on Feb 15, there will be an Adult /Youth Indexing Challenge! 

    The week was a busy  one, 2-4 appointments per day.  The weather was very nice into the 60’s and lots of wind so it’s pretty muddy around our place. Spring is slowly trying to overtake winter. . .  Still don’t have our RAV4 out of the the shop yet. One day, I was helping a sister who had a great deal of Family History from her previous husband, who is deceased.  Because it is not her line, she is unable to do the temple work for these people & was concerned about that.  She had decided to enter the information into FamilySearch so it would be there for others to find.  We began adding the info & found a line which was already in FS.  Much to her surprise & joy, we found a great grandfather who had had some temple ordinances done just 4 days ago in the Louisville Kentucky Temple! What a witness it was to the greatness of this work & that she was doing the right thing. Bro Croft is helping her husband also, he is a High Priest Group Leader, so they worked on leadership responsibilities & also downloading apps to record stories.   Wednesday was our FH Consultant Training Meeting & on Thurs Eve we had a RS group in the FHC to do indexing! The ward consultants are teaching most of the indexing classes & it is great!

    It was so very special to help each person this week, during each, the spirit whispers & testifies! This is great! A brother we help shared how he had taught FH to several people in his family and the excitement they had felt for FH too. He is also using it with a less active family he Home Teaches so they too can feel the Spirit. They are using the My Family Booklet then putting their info into Family Search. He enjoys recording family stories too!

    We were also blessed to have Bill & Kathy here for several days, arriving Thursday evening – we did family names in the temple on Friday – helped them with Family History, Friday Evening & Saturday morning.   Had a wonderful time visiting!
    Our love to all of you & CTR    Bro & Sis Croft

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