Monday, June 2, 2014

Today a miracle happened!

June 1, 2014
Dearest Family!

    Happy Birthday, Bo!!!
    Today a miracle happened!  In one of our classes, several weeks ago, a Sister was quite distressed & discouraged, left the class early.  She is a convert, from a big family, but somewhat estranged because she joined the church.  Her ancestors are from a part of the world where it very difficult to do research.  I’d been praying about her, today she was back in class after missing a week. We were learning about searching original records.  She found an immigration record which listed the birth place of her great grandfather, not just the country, but the actual place.  She also found references to several other records which might also help!  what a blessing!!!!  She was so excited & filled with the spirit!

    A sweet moment,  today while in the restroom, I spoke to a little girl, an abt 7 yrs old,  who was just bubbly & smiling.  I ask her what made her so happy & she said!   “It’s Sunday!!” She loves the Sabbath day!
    We have had a great week, it has seemed different with a holiday on Monday, Bro Croft typed some stories which he & a Brother had recorded.   We had a wonderful afternoon at Joy & Dak’s & had a yummy dinner!  Each day we had several appointments.  It seemed that at several, not only did we help them with FH, but we were able to share info about ways they could use FH in their callings. For example, with the activity day girls, in Primary sharing time, as a HP group leader, as a leader over missionary work, to name some of them. So many special opportunities! 

    We also met with the eight full time missionaries twice.  They were connecting their trees, adding pictures, doing a little research,  just learning about so they can use it in there work effectively, proselyting, reactivating & retaining converts. They also filled out their “My Family, Stories books” so that they could use them when they are out & about. We enjoyed this time with them so much & they can really see how this can help in the work! The My Family booklet will be in 32 languages soon and will be a focus for the 2014 new mission presidents training this month. It will be the tool for missionary, convert retention and member activation work. We watched a webinar 2 wks ago giving us the details so as FH consultants and FH missionaries we would be ready to do our part. The missions are already ordering a supply of the booklets for their missionaries to use.

    We also helped a 97 year old brother get started again in indexing!  He had indexed before & is now in the Nursing Home because it is difficult to get around.  His mind is extremely sharp & his eyesight is great.  His family brought a computer there, & it was hooked up to the internet.  We spent one morning helping him index his first batch & he did great!  Thinks he wants us to come once more!   He wants to do something where he is contributing, accomplishing something!  He said just reading the paper every day & visiting with those around him isn’t enough! What an example to all of us!

    We enjoyed having Joy, Dak, Ky, Symphony, Kenya & Daeja here Thursday night!  They were off to Powell Friday A.M. for the final day of school & the cleaning of their home, everything was already packed. We are thankful that they arrived Saturday day at noon, & have lots unpacked!  Here’s their phone & address: 
The new home phone number is 460-2732. Dak still has his cell 254-4455 and I have mine 202-1923. Don't count on Dak having his on all the time, tho. Our address is 1659 N. 23rd St., Laramie, WY  82072

Dad had a wonderful birthday on Friday serving the Lord and enjoyed all of your expressions of love that day!
We love you all & appreciate all your good works!    CTR
Bro and Sister Croft

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