Tuesday, June 24, 2014


June 22, 2014

Dearest Family,
    Success!!!!  At last the drillers were able to bore under the highway!  There were many prayers sent heavenward in their behalf & we are so grateful for their success.  There is now a black pipe sticking up on the west side of the road & the other end is in the greenhouse. We think the water company will come this week to complete all the connections to the water line!

    We attended two sacrament meetings today, our regular one & Rob & Michelle’s, they were speaking, both did great !  There were 4 workshops today with brothers & sisters there whom we could help, SM & I scanned in some photos, one was of his Grandpa & Great Grandmother.  It was a 60’s colored photo & the colored had really changed.  It was amazing how the software balanced the color so that it was almost back to normal. He also knows someone who can touch it up & remove the crack in it!   I hope so!  Our lesson today was on adding photos, several added a photo today & another sister had written several short stories since being challenged on Wednesday A.M.  Our evening was super,  3 HS age young ladies came in, each wanting to do something different – Ancestry.com, Puzzilla.com & learning abt finding names for the temple.  What special young ladies they are!  Two sister Missionaries are attending the temple with other missionaries next week & came in to have us help them. They enjoy doing their own names on these excursions.  Bro Croft also helped a HP group leader with some scanning!  What an amazing day!

    Janet was my comp/helper in the Public Library on Monday!  It was great to have 3-4 patrons there!  Also stopped to help Brother Brown with indexing, he is excited to do obituaries. Wednesday was our morning in the FHC. It was great to have several patrons there. Bro Croft had a very spiritual time with a young man, 22ish, whom the sisters are trying to reactivate. He had planned to meet them there, but there was some confusion, any way, Bro Croft helped him. He had lost his father in the Vietnam war when he was 2.  He talked of stories his mother had told him & was very excited to write a story.  Completed it & now plans to put some pictures in.
    We have been busy preparing for the Stake meeting of the ward mission leaders which was Thursday.  This meeting was to prepare them for using the My Family booklet for missionary and reactivation work thru out the church with the Full Time Missionaries. Bro Croft had a 9 yr old girl come,  add some photos she had already scanned & tell about why she is adding photos! “I want my children & grandchildren to know what it was like when I was a little girl” Truly inspiring. . . . 

    Another young lady, 17, who is a youth consultant talked about how it has helped her family, her father is returning to activity & a Priest-Laurels temple trip which they had. One Priest was preparing for his mission & was endowed so could do some of the baptising.  They had a spiritual experience. 
    We so enjoyed having Allen & Amber & family here on Friday night & part of Saturday.  The boys came for the two day Cub Scout Day Camp at Bighorn Canyon Nat Rec Area.  They enjoyed the Day camp and we enjoyed having them here.  We are excited to have them back next week when Allen comes to his 20 year class reunion!  Doesn’t seem possible, does it!
    It was a warm week 90’s with almost an inch of rain over the week. Thursday evening we drove to Deaver to get the pigeons for Al and Dad. It was dark so very easy to just pick up the birds off the roost and put them into the carriers. Al will take his home next weekend to his new pigeon loft.

We love you all & CTR   Bro & Sis Croft 

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