Tuesday, March 25, 2014

We have worked & planned for months

March 23, 2014

Dearest Family,
    We have worked & planned for months & now it has come & gone!  Saturday was our Stake Family History Fair!   What a wonderful day!  We were up & at the church at 7:30 a.m. doing the final setup of TV’s, computers & the digital equipment!  We have had such great help with all the planning, registration, etc. & it all went so smoothly! We feel so grateful & blesses!  There were at least 130 who attended & many expressed their appreciation for a great day!  Blimpies Sandwiches for lunch, then back to classes.  Seventeen different classes were held, with 4 going on at a time. We had people of all ages, including youth thru out the day! Classes  included such things as Family History & Facebook, FH & Blogs, Doing FH in your Sleep, 10 things I learned from my couch, Heidi Swinton & Stories, Using an ipad for FH, Search Techniques, just to name a few!

Open time in the Family History Center

yummy lunch & social time

    Sunday evening was a fun night, two youth in the Family History Center!  One, 12 years old, had attended the FHDay, by herself yesterday, then tonight was setting up her acct & connecting her tree.  She got so excited about the pictures! The other one has been in a SS class for the past 5 weeks & loved it, commented tonight that she wishes she could continue in class, she didn’t want it to end.  She has been coming into the FHC every Sunday night the past few weeks, sometimes bringing Mom, she said tonight that Dad wanted to come next week with her. Tonight, using Puzzzilla, we found a family with 6-7 children who all need temple work done!   Boy was she excited!     Several weeks ago, her Mother was doing some searching in findagrave.com.  She was looking at the headstone for the employers of her grandparents.   In the background she noticed the headstone of her grandparents.  And on it, the maiden name of her Grandmother, spelled differently than she had spelled it!  Results were finding several generations of family using this new spelling!  That “Spirit of Elijah” sure has a way of helping everyone!

    Wednesday was a nice day in the FHC covering in the morning!  I helped a patron & Bro Croft was able to do training with a consultant, helping her become more familiar with new lesson material. It is always great to have some one on one time to help them. 
    We have been in several new homes this week, that is always fun to help people get started!  In most homes in our area that includes a call to our internet provider, most are not receiving the service which they should. Our Sunday was great also, 2 youth & 1 adult class, open library time.   It was just a great day!

    We got finished in time on Sat to run to Powell to hear Daeja and Kenya play the piano at their recital with Mom as their teacher. Joy really enjoys her piano students and they all did great. It was a quick trip but very special to be there!
    When ever we have a spare 30 minutes or so we do some yard work now the snow is gone. Mom even cleaned out the greenhouse of the grass and weeds that grow in it every summer. We plan on getting pipeline rural water in the next few weeks so we want the line to come into the greenhouse that they lay by horizontal drilling 6 ft down. It is solid sand  rock so drilling is the only way to go and not make a huge mess. We will keep our well going for the lawn and our emergency water supply.
Love you all Bro & Sister Croft

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