Monday, March 17, 2014

It has been a wonderful week!

March 16, 2014

Dearest Family
    Happy Birthday,  Dak & Tchae!!!!!
    It has been a wonderful week!  Isn’t that what we always say!  We have a new FH consultant in one of the wards!  We have worked with her three times this week. Her tree is interesting, with 3 of 4 non LDS lines!  She is 50’ish, a convert & has never done much with FH.  She has computer experience. That makes it easier. She is mainly learning about FH, it is fun to work with her, different than many we help  & she is very excited!
    This week we had a very choice experience with a brother, the only member in his family, who has been in Iowa, caring for his dying Father. He so wanted to share this spiritual experience with us & we felt blessed that he would!  He talked of giving him a priesthood blessing just before his passing, & the great love he felt for his Father! He also came home with a car load of memorabilia, letters, pictures, etc.  that he continues to sort & add to Family Tree.  He also has a tree full of Green arrows, the ones that indicate ordinances needed. Many of his ward members are involved helping him with the ordinances!

    Our classes today were filled with a variety of ups & downs!   The downs, internet crashing at times in all the buildings!  There is always several who have forgotten their user name & password. We expect that!!! The ups..... A 13 year old young lady, just getting more & more excited each week, adding pictures, learning about searching records – she started out angry about doing this in Sunday School. Some one’s tree connecting the first time she went into it!   A big class – in a ward that is just getting started. Several young people excited about seeing an original record about a grand parent!  Witnessing a Youth class, in a ward that has been doing the FH thing for 3- 4 years.   3 consultants, 2 youth consultant helping 6-7, 12-13 yr olds learn about their family, some finding temple names, some finding a story for trek! It was a special day!

    Family History Day is fast approaching, this coming Saturday & more registrations were turned in today!   We have been planning & preparing for months & this time next week we will be reporting on it’s success! 
    Rob came to have dinner with us on Monday evening while Michelle and Krysta were gone to New Mexico. We enjoyed visiting for awhile!  Dad and I did an outing on Friday morning out to Bighorn Canyon to see the sites since the weather has been so warm. There were a lot of Bald Eagles near the Causeway on the ice, such majestic birds of prey! We are also doing  some spring yard work now our snow is gone . . . . .after almost 4 months of white cover.

   It has been a great week – just remember – each day you are making family history! 

CTR – we love you all

Bro & Sister Croft    

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