Thursday, April 19, 2018

Can't believe it is already the 15th!

Dearest Family!!!

Can't believe it is already the 15th!   My time does fly!  It has been a busy one with  4 different Zoom trainings! So thankful for technology when it works!  Mainly we are working with High Councilors over Temple & Family History & a new Stake lead couple. We have also helped several who came to our home & over the phone.

It was great to go back to the Living Center!  They were quarantined for quite some tinme this winter, not fun for them.  Then one of the people we help has been having lots of eye problems - had catarat surgery & now is better than ever!  We have two brethen there who really enjoy doing it!  One is just getting used to the new program.  Both do an amazing job & feel they can fill their time with something productive & it is helping others - it is great for them.

It was so great to go to Worland last Wednesday - Ira received the Aaronic Priesthood & was ordained a Deacon.  Blessed to be a part of it!  Enjoyed several hours with some of the kids, a great birthday dinner, also!  And everyone is finally over the flu bug which they had.

Dad & Rob witnessed the mother owl swoop off of the nest into the field to the south.  She chased down a snake & brought it back to the nest for her little ones. (we don't know how many there are)  Dad has also watched her leave the next several mornings  for just a few minutes.She will fly up to the pole where the yard light is, & stretch & exercise her wings then return back to the nest.

Ira went to the temple for the first time on Saturday with his Mom and Dad while the other kids stayed with Darece. They had a wonderful spiritual experience together with deceased family members! Today was the first track meet this spring not canceled by bad weather. It was held in Cowley so we went and joined Darece and family to watch Talon and Mattis do their events! It was 30 when we got there with a slight wind CHILLY then the sun warmed it up some. Mom, Darece and the Croft kids spent time in the car to keep warm. The rest were out moving around watching. We came home about 11am to warm up and do other things to get ready for Sunday. Dad sprayed weeds in driveway and the corral. The Tansy Mustard and Cheetgrass is already 3 to 4 inches tall. Then this evening we had supper for Al and Ambers bunch on their way home.

Today we left early for Red Lodge, weather was good but windy!  We enjoyed the Saints there!  But today was a day with technology problems, sure adds stress to the situation!  Their chapel has very little internet & even with lots of people using their phone plans we still had problems. Even one of our videos had no volume,  & others worked just fine. We have discovered this morning that that video has a problem & doesn't have any volume at home either!   Not an internet problem ! 

 A nice drive home! We stopped at the site of the Bear Creek coal mines near Bear Creek MT to read the historical sign and share memories of when Dad's family went there to get coal each fall for the winter. This coal burned hotter than any in the area so the families really liked to get it. There were also coal mines just north of Garland Wyo (coal mine hill mines) that they got coal from too but it was of poor quality.  

We love you all!   Have a great week!    Mom  &  Dad

Monday, April 9, 2018

A week of many Birthdays

Dearest Family!

A week of many Birthdays -  Ira's 12th was today!   and he was to be ordained a Deacon!  Surprises happen! A stomach flu bug has been ragging at their home, started Wednesday with Neil, Camille, Ira, then on Saturday, Melvin, & Sunday, Amber &  Allen,   No church today, we talked to Ira this afternoon & decided that he was the nurse today, on his birthday!

Happy Birthday, Kirena on Monday!    Happy Birthday, Rosie on Saturday, & Happy 21 Birthday to Chalin on Sunday, April 15!  Hope your days are each special!

Congrats to Ethan & Bekah - they are having a baby GIRL!!!!!

It has been quite a week for spring storms!   Monday arrived with snow falling, then about 10:30 it turned into a raging blizzard!   Multiple car accidents in several places!  It was a day to stay home & enjoy a good book, sewing or what ever. Tuesday Darece & I were to go to Billings & it was super icey that morning & snowing in Billings!  I hibernated in the sewing room & Dad moved a little snow & built a new birdhouse for the yard!

The Wyo Hwy Dept made some changes in the highway by our canal to prevent us from getting flooded out like last year. They removed an unused oiled drive way across the road that acted liked a dike to send the water over the highway thru our place instead of letting the water run north down the west borrow pit  and drain away down hill to the north.  We appreciate this safety change! !

Tues, Wed, & Thursday were busy days with ZOOM trainings, It was a good week to be inside, so there were several others who we helped on the phone!  Not much snow or rain for several days then again on Friday we got 5 more inches of wet stuff!   It is melting with warm tempatures!  

It has been a great Saturday & Sunday with our Stake Conference!  Enjoyed it so very much with some things to ponder & improve on for us!

Love Mom and Dad

Monday, April 2, 2018

No this isn't an April Fools Joke!

Dearest Family!

No this isn't an April Fools Joke!   i really am writing a letter!  The month has gone by so very quickly- I find it hard to believe!   But it has been a very busy one with all kinds of activities!

We have missed a few birthdays & an anniversary!   Happy Birthday to Connor Hellberg on March 1!  Dak & Tchae on March 20, Leanne on March 23, Aunt Kathy on March 24!   Happy 14th Anniversary to Allen & Amber on March 30!
Happy 1st Birthday to Lexi Grant on April 7th & Happy 12th Birthday to Ira on April 8!

More new babies!!!   Ethan & Bekah    Tchae & Cheyenne 

Oh - by the way, we are expecting also!  The first of March we realized that a pair of Great Horned owls are nesting in the big Blue Spruce tree at the top of our drive way. We can see her from our front door. I saw the mate bring in a meadow vole to feed her, told Dad and we quickly watched together the feeding routine. This week the chicks should hatch. We are excited to watch them over the next many weeks. They will need lots of groceries and our pigeons and cottontail rabbits may be get on the menu! Dad will mount our wireless webcam on the house so we can see better! 

We had a wonderful time in Worland with Leanne at her baptism! So glad we could share her special day!
It was also great to have the Fikes visit during their Spring Break!  Family here in Lovell got together one evening for dinner! They also spent time in Laurel looking for a home there.  We are so excited that they will be there.

A report on Michelle - on March 21, she had hip surgery & is doing great!  She was out & about at our Family Dinner yesterday!  

This past month has been so great!   We have been working with three couples who have been called as Stake TFHConsultant-Lead They will work in their stakes teaching the leaders, Ward TFHConsultants & exciting the people around them.  All are so excited & great at working with the people! It is so amazing how the Lord works! 

It was fun one Saturday to teach in the Cody Family History Fair - we were able to fill in for a couple who were called out of town due to a death in the family!  A blessing to be able to help!  We enjoyed teaching, of course, about the Apps.  Dad did the Memories app & I did the Family Tree App!   Then on Sunday we spoke in three wards in Billings & did a 2 hr training in the evening!  That was just about enough for one day, but the Lord blessed us with the needed energy!  Another weekend we stayed with a Lead couple, did their One-on-One experience & spoke in the 2 Laurel wards!  They helped us with our 2hr training for leaders in the late afternoon! 

Then last weekend we went to Absaroka, it is a very small branch in Montana!  While I was speaking, Dad was inspired to change our planned presentation to a Family History Experience (just a very basic class about all we can do in FH) We did this with all of the branch, youth & adults! It was one of those really amazing days when the spirit is there to testify to greatness of this work.  An eleven yr old young man summed it all up as he shared how the blessings of doing FH will help him!  All of his great-greats help him & his own stories & experiences will help his grand-children & great-grandchildren!  "Out of the mouths of Babes!"   we were taught! Our Stake Leads were there with us & all of us had special experiences during the practice time!

On one Sunday after I left the stand, the Bishop said to Dad, "I need to apologize to Sister Croft, he went on to say, "She mentioned the name of the App, I down loaded it, & there are two names, in my office on the printer, which I found & printed while she was speaking!" Dad accepted the apology and told him he had got the  message!      This Bishop will certainly fire up his ward in the coming weeks!

Last Wednesday we had fun helping with an Activity Day group of girls, so fun & they get so very excited!

What an amazing weekend this has been!  General Conference was wonderful with many new things announced! We have enjoyed so very much watching it, having Allen, Amber & family here & dinner at the Grants. Just the basic changes: no more HP groups all will be in an Elders Quorum. Home teachers and visiting teachers will be ministers now. No monthly message from the Ensign, just pray to meet the needs of your assigned families. It can be a text, email, phone call,athletic event, just drop by, service project, whatever the family needs. No monthly report just quarterly interview with your leader. YW Miamaid and Laurels will go with older sisters to visit their assigned sisters. Its all about loving and serving the one as Jesus would! By 4 pm on Sunday all the new changes were on the website and we had received an email about it too as Elder Holland had said.

And what a great way to end General Conference, to have our Prophet bless us all - 
He challenged us to study the talks and then -    He invited all God's children on both sides of the veil to come unto their Savior, receive the blessings of the holy temple, have enduring joy & qualify for eternal live. Eventual exaltation requires our complete fidelity now to covenants we make & ordinances we receive in the house of the Lord.   He then announced 7 new temple & said, "These particular temples probably wouldn't affect our lives but your time in the temple surely will.  In that spirit I bless you to identify those things you can set aside so that you can spend more time in the temple.  I bless you with greater harmony & love in your homes & a deeper desire to care for your eternal family relationships. I bless you with increased faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ & a greater ability to follow Him as His true disciples. I bless you to raise your voice in testimony as I do now.  That we are engaged in the work of almighty God. Jesus is the Christ. This is His church which He directs thru His annointed servants. I so testify with my expression of love for each of you in the sacred name of Jesus Christ

We feel so blessed to know there is a prophet on the earth!

Our love to all of you  & CTR          Mom & Dad

Thursday, March 8, 2018

It seems strange not to have birthdays

Dearest Family!
It seems strange not to have birthdays or anniversaries to celebrate, but there are a few bits of news to share, the 1st & 2nd, 

Nathan and Bri are expecting a baby in Sept !!!!     And Josh & Krysta are expecting a girl the end of July!!!

Bryan and I have been called to work as a transition couple in a branch of women who have been released from prison and are in a halfway house. 
Amazing! Sad! What a different perspective!

Dad & I have had an amazing week also! FHE was training with our Stake Leads here in our stake & we love spending evenings with them & their excitement is contagious. Our 4 Zoom trainings have been with new Stake Lead TFHConsultants & so fun!   Each couple is so very amazing! It is so special to see the Lord's hand in the selection of these people! Our first two we were doing One on One's with a couple!  After "climbing around in their trees" last week, we were ready to sit down with them individually. When we do this we have prepared a lesson where we guide them thru the process of finding someone to take to the temple. They sometimes find someone who isn't even in Family Search or other times they are able to find more info about someone so that they qualify to have temple ordinances completed!    It is a spiritual experience for both!  The second couple we are just begining to do training with & they are delightful also.

Also enjoyed our weekly Zoom visit with Terry & Elsie Peters & my weekly time with Judy!  These are our missionary moments & someday they will all embrace the Gospel.  They are all doing great work learning about there families! Gaye had one of those experiences this week when she made contact with a Sinclair cousin & visited with her for several hours about FH & the gospel!

Attended the funeral of Brownie Brown, our 1st bishop after moving to Lovell, was all about being busy always serving in many special little ways   Up until his passing at 100, he did indexing, over a million names, during his life.  When ever I would see him in the Living center he'd say,  "Sure hope I'm doing some good for somebody!"   And he was!

Wednesday thru Saturday was Root Tech & we were able to watch some very amazing classes & training sessions! The high light was Thursday evening training for church leaders - Elders Cook & Renlund & several of the Seventy & Gen Primary President! 

Our Love,   Mom & Dad

P.S. Sorry this hasn't got sent sooner, It has been a busy  week & still is!

Another bit of exciting news from Joy & Dak
Dak has accepted a chiropractic job in the Billings area! He will be working for the offices called ChiroFirst which currently has 5 offices. Dak will be the chiropractor in the Laurel and Columbus practices.... So We plan to live in Laurel. We will be looking at some houses Monday, March 12. So that means we will get to see most of sometime between sunday night and wednesday! (We have spring break next week.)

We are super excited about this job! Dak starts June 4th... and we plan to move just a couple days before that since Ky graduates May 25 and our schools end May 31.

Love you lots! 

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Br-r-r-r-r-r It has been a cold one this week!

Dearest Family!
Happy Birthday,  Connor Hellberg!   Have a great day!

Br-r-r-r-r-r   It has been a cold one this week! Temperatures have been 0 or below every morning- two mornings -24.  Today was the first day it was above 32 degrees in ten days & boy did it feel nice - just one problem - there was a cold wind blowing!!!  Sure is great that we can look forward to spring in the coming weeks!

We have enjoyed 5 ZOOM mtgs this week & were excited to meet with the Bishops in our Stake!  It was also nice to meet with the TFHconsutlants in our stake one evening.

It has been a great week! We are also so preparing for 4-5 one-on-one experiences.  That keeps us busy climbing around in their trees!  We are getting 
to be quite the monkeys! Dad has also been busy running the snow blower, getting the driveway & all the paths around the place cleared - what a busy guy he is  He also picked several beautiful, ripe tomatoes from the green house - um.m.m good!!!!

From Henry B. Eyring "I wrote down a few lines every day for years. I never missed a day no matter how tired I was or how early I would have to start the next day. Before I would write, I would ponder this question: 
 Have I seen the hand of God reaching out to touch us or our children or our family today?” 
As I kept at it, something began to happen. As I would cast my mind over the day, I would see evidence of what God had done for one of us that I had not recognized in the busy moments of the day. As that happened, and it happened often, I realized that trying to remember had allowed God to show me what He had done.   October 2007 General Conference.

Our love to all of you!    CTR     Mom & Dad

Monday, February 19, 2018

It has been a week of highs & lows, temperatures, that is!

Dearest Family,

Happy 4th Anniversary, Bo & McKinzea on Thursday, February 22!  and many more!

It has been a week of highs & lows, temperatures, that is!  And today we really got dumped on! It started snowing about 5 a.m. & snowed all day!  "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas!"  We got about 12 inches! Snow plows went by about 9 a.m. & again about 9  this evening!  No wind at our house but we have heard about wind in lots of other places!

What a great week!   I counted 6 ZOOM trainings - so fun!  Several right here in Lovell, because of sickness & a snowy evening!  One I just have to share with all of you! It was a testimony of the quiet guidance of the Holy Ghost to help those beyond the vail receive the Gospel.  We had ZOOMed with this couple on Monday night & again tonight.  A High Priest Group Leader & his wife, a TFHConsultant  Since Monday, she had been climbing around in his very LDS tree and so tonight we were answering questions for her & him. She had focused on one line, so we went to that place, the same name, but this time we had him pick a sibling of this early church pioneer & do Descendents With Tasks.  There were several green temples, one for a man who needed Sealed to his parents.  He was excited about that!   While helping him learn to print the ordinance card, we checked the hints on a few of the names in the list, then had him click on Charles Fredrick C who had a 1901 English Census & on it were 7 children not in FamilySearch! That means they all need their ordinances done!  There were also 2 other censuses in 1891 & 1911 which documented the family!   The Dad was a Potato Saleman! Now he has his first names of his own cousins to take to the temple!  
So thankful for the 'tender mercies' this evening to have this sacred experience with this couple!

We have had special times with many of you this week - special to ZOOM with Joy - she has been asked to do a TFH presentation at her Stake Women's conference in April!  Saturday was a 7th grade Basketball tournament her in Lovell so Allen, Amber & family were here for the day.  We watched two of Melvin's games, Worland winning & Melvin doing great!  We all had lunch together!  Cody beat Worland in the championship game!

Hope you all had a wonderful Valentines Day with your "Sweetheart's"  We did!!!!
And some beautiful red roses arrived in the mail!  ProFlowers is amazing!  And we are still enjoying them!

We love you all, Have a great week

Monday, February 12, 2018

Snow every day - Mon thru Thurs

Dearest Family

Happy 39th Anniversary to Uncle Frank & Aunt Gaye on Thursday, Feb 15 & on Friday, February 16,   Happy 50th Birthday to Ken!   Hope each of you have a wonderful day!

Well, it has been quite a week!  Snow every day - Mon thru Thurs. there was 6 inches that morning!  Darece & I canceled a temple trip on Tuesday! Dad was busy keeping walks & drive was clean!   a little to much!   Got his back in a bad twist!  Several trips to the Chiropractor and rest.   Rob came by Saturday a.m. to visit & give him a blessing!  We also enjoyed phone visits with Vicki, Joy, & Allen. So enjoy visiting & spending time with all of you! On Wed we canceled our trip to Colstrip this wkend due to another major blizzard in Montana . . . . 12" more snow and wind. They will reschedule for later. We have 15" of snow on the grd today all since Feb 1st. in Jan we only had 2" total. We will be working in the new Billings South stake in Mar and Apr spking and trg.

We attended Sacrament mtg in Bryon today, Ken gave a great talk as a HCouncilor on Repentance then we came home!  Dad's back feeling better when he doesn't stay in any one position to long.  I went to our ward, to Sunday School & RS.   Had a nice dinner & spent the afternoon at the Grants with all of them!

We are continuing to work with the Warnocks, our Lovell Stake TFHC Leads & also did some training with the FHC directors here one evening.  Did several ZOOM trainings & had several people here at our house!

Thanks Talon for clearing the top of the driveway & some of the sidewalks & paths to the pigeons!

Here are two links you might enjoy!

Dad sent this one to some of you but will send it again.

We love you all,   CTR     Mom & Dad

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Today was amazing!

Dearest Family,

Happy belated Birthday, Bryan!    His birthday was on last Thursday, February 1st!   And Happy Birthday, Kenya & Daeja!   They were 14 & 12 on Sunday!  This Grandma isn't doing so good lately, remembering birthdays!   I have two calendars but forget to look at either one of them!

Today was amazing!  We were able to do two trainings with new Stake Presidency's (8:30 to 10am and 4 to 5:30pm)!    On Thursday of this week we learned about a snowstorm which was to arrive on Sunday & last thru Monday, coming from the north, thru Billings & on into Wyoming!  We were able to still do the training over ZOOM! Technology is wonderful!   What a privilege it was to share the principles of FH with them!   And yes, the snow did arrive - we got 6-8" & Billings got more 10"+.  We were so blessed to be able to do this from home!  We attended two wards mid-day, L4 for Sacrament mtg and L2 for SS and Phd/RS time. Nice to be with our own stake saints!

We have had a great time this week training a new Stake Temple & Family History - Lead!   It is wonderful to see the excitement in this couple as they learn about this new calling in the church!  They are so excited to get started!

Also it was great to work with the Peter's in Sheridan!  Enjoyed helping them - but felt so bad for them!  We have had several days of very warm weather & where they live the snow melts on the hills above their home & runs into their basemant!  What a mess - wish we could have been there to help them!  Also enjoyed my Wednesday afternoon friend, Judy!  We have a great time learning about her family!  

 Chalin had surgery on Monday in Loveland, Colorado. It was necessary to put a plate in his cheek to hold the bone in place. Leanne had surgery on her ankle on Tuesday morning & they were able to return home that day!  All went well for both of them!  Dad & Rob enjoyed going to a Wyo Game & Fish fisheries meeting in Lovell on Wednesday evening.

Dad has lots of snow to move in the coming days. Plus its supposed to snow a bit each day this week and not get above 30'. We're praying for a nice weekend so we can go to Colstrip on Sat and Sun.

Love you all
Dad and Mom

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

What an amazing week - great activities to start the New Year!

Dearest Family,

Happy 1st Birthday Paisley & Brindle, Monday, Jan 8th!  Happy Birthday, Michelle next Sunday, January 14th!  

Love & prayers to Ethan!   He was in a fender bender!  Very blessed - lots of bruises, sore places & aches - car is totaled! 

What an amazing week - great activities to start the New Year!   We enjoyed so very much having Allen, Amber, Melvin, Ira, Leanne, Camille & Neil here!!!!! Played Ping Pong, colored, worked on hats a little, Monopoly card game, enjoyed Nacho's!  Was very cold outside, shucks, not able to go sledding.  So enjoy having them come visit!

In the evening we had a Flinch party - Rob had organized it & it was lots of fun!  Rob, Michelle, Josh, Krysta, Darece,Ken, Bo, McKenzea, Nathan, Bri!  Had a lot of fun - will have to keep doing it occasionally! Gdpa played with Athena and Conner.

On Tuesday evening, we attended the baptism of Elyssa Croft, she is the daughter of Jay & Trisha Croft.  She is 10 & was so excited for this special day! There was a special spirit there among the more than 60 family and friends who came. She is truly a latter-day pioneer! !

It was great to have 4 Zoom trainings this week. We have so enjoyed working with two couples who have been called as Stake Lead Consultants!  Both really have caught the vision of their calling & are letting the spirit guide them. Another sister/consultant shared with us a sweet experience.  She was wanting to help a young mother in her ward & the sister was just not interested, to busy, to difficult, etc, but  she finally gave in.  The first problem/success for the young mother was whenever she went into her tree she was linked to her step-father, not her father!  That was an easy thing for the consultant to fix & the sister's countenance began to change.  The consultant continued to help her on her smart phone, looking at her tree, adding hints, etc.  Several days later the young mother expressed how much she was enjoying doing her family history - she could even do it while her children napped!!!!

Today we visited one of the Lovell Wards,   Dad met with the Bishop & Counselor & I went to the FH center.  When we are visiting wards like this we try to find time to share the new FH Guidebook for leaders in Gospel Lib and the  FH Activity Report in LCR on site. This is available to all ward & stake council members plus consultants!  Most do not even know it exists - has been available since May 2017! 
I shared the same info with several consultants in the FHC  & also a Stake HC. I also shared it with the Stake RS President after another mtg which we attended tonight.  All are amazed & it opens their minds to things which we all can do!

We witnessed another special blessing now available to all church members - Self Reliance Services.  The Lord provides a way for us to accomplish His work by being able to take care of our physical, temporal, emotional and spiritual needs. The Atonement and the Holy Ghost team up with us to make it possible.  Rob is over this at the HC level and Darece has just been called as a group facilitator along with a dozen others from the stake. These folks provide direction to the groups over the 12 wk courses (eg: financial mgmt, find a better job, entrepreneurship, etc)  provided by the Church. Last night the Bakers, an Area Self Reliance Missionary couple did the training! 
We have our Billings stakes schedule well underway for the next 3-4 months plus where we will stay on the wkends. It's so exciting to work with these new leaders! 

We love you all,   keep up the great work & CTR     Our love,  Mom & Dad

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Dearest Family!!!
Happy New Year!!!!!!        We have enjoyed so many special blessings this year!

Well, it has been some time since I have written!!!!  First we must catch up on Birthday Wishes - Happy Belated Birthday to Bri Grant on Sunday December 17,  Kenny's ? Birthday & Melvin's 13th Birthday were on Friday December 22!

Happy 3rd Anniversary to Connor & Lindsay on Wednesday, January 3!  Happy Birthday to McKinzea Grant on Friday, January 5th!    Happy 1st Birthday Brindle & Paisley on January 8th, Monday!ew 

Congratulations to Krystina & Josh - Baby Saldana will arrive in late July!

These past three weeks have been amazing!

Enjoyed a safe & wonderful weekend in Billings, December 16-18,  Spoke in two wards on Sunday & did a two hour training that afternoon.  Went up Sat eve & home Monday a.m. Sure appreciate Bart and Lisa sharing their home with us!  A very icy weekend on the streets in Billings and  less so coming home.

The Christmas Season is the greatest! We have enjoyed so many special occasions; plus there has been snow most of Dec,  FHE with Bo, McKinzea & grandparents about Christmas stories & Traditions - a great Ward Christmas party - (we always love being at ward activities because we are visiting other wards so much and miss our ward family)

Christmas Eve dinner & program at the Grants.  The company was the best, the food was wonderful & we so enjoyed a special Christmas eve program!

It was great on Christmas day to talk to all of you!   We Zoomed with the Al's Family & Fikes!  We enjoyed having Rob & Michelle come by & visit! And we visited at the Grants on Christmas Day also!   It was great to visit with the Allen's also!

As we ponder this New Year's Eve our greatest blessings are all of you!   You are the greatest family & we love all of you so very much!

CTR as always, Mom & Dad