Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Br-r-r-r-r-r It has been a cold one this week!

Dearest Family!
Happy Birthday,  Connor Hellberg!   Have a great day!

Br-r-r-r-r-r   It has been a cold one this week! Temperatures have been 0 or below every morning- two mornings -24.  Today was the first day it was above 32 degrees in ten days & boy did it feel nice - just one problem - there was a cold wind blowing!!!  Sure is great that we can look forward to spring in the coming weeks!

We have enjoyed 5 ZOOM mtgs this week & were excited to meet with the Bishops in our Stake!  It was also nice to meet with the TFHconsutlants in our stake one evening.

It has been a great week! We are also so preparing for 4-5 one-on-one experiences.  That keeps us busy climbing around in their trees!  We are getting 
to be quite the monkeys! Dad has also been busy running the snow blower, getting the driveway & all the paths around the place cleared - what a busy guy he is  He also picked several beautiful, ripe tomatoes from the green house - um.m.m good!!!!

From Henry B. Eyring "I wrote down a few lines every day for years. I never missed a day no matter how tired I was or how early I would have to start the next day. Before I would write, I would ponder this question: 
 Have I seen the hand of God reaching out to touch us or our children or our family today?” 
As I kept at it, something began to happen. As I would cast my mind over the day, I would see evidence of what God had done for one of us that I had not recognized in the busy moments of the day. As that happened, and it happened often, I realized that trying to remember had allowed God to show me what He had done.   October 2007 General Conference.

Our love to all of you!    CTR     Mom & Dad

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