Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Dearest Family!!!
Happy New Year!!!!!!        We have enjoyed so many special blessings this year!

Well, it has been some time since I have written!!!!  First we must catch up on Birthday Wishes - Happy Belated Birthday to Bri Grant on Sunday December 17,  Kenny's ? Birthday & Melvin's 13th Birthday were on Friday December 22!

Happy 3rd Anniversary to Connor & Lindsay on Wednesday, January 3!  Happy Birthday to McKinzea Grant on Friday, January 5th!    Happy 1st Birthday Brindle & Paisley on January 8th, Monday!ew 

Congratulations to Krystina & Josh - Baby Saldana will arrive in late July!

These past three weeks have been amazing!

Enjoyed a safe & wonderful weekend in Billings, December 16-18,  Spoke in two wards on Sunday & did a two hour training that afternoon.  Went up Sat eve & home Monday a.m. Sure appreciate Bart and Lisa sharing their home with us!  A very icy weekend on the streets in Billings and  less so coming home.

The Christmas Season is the greatest! We have enjoyed so many special occasions; plus there has been snow most of Dec,  FHE with Bo, McKinzea & grandparents about Christmas stories & Traditions - a great Ward Christmas party - (we always love being at ward activities because we are visiting other wards so much and miss our ward family)

Christmas Eve dinner & program at the Grants.  The company was the best, the food was wonderful & we so enjoyed a special Christmas eve program!

It was great on Christmas day to talk to all of you!   We Zoomed with the Al's Family & Fikes!  We enjoyed having Rob & Michelle come by & visit! And we visited at the Grants on Christmas Day also!   It was great to visit with the Allen's also!

As we ponder this New Year's Eve our greatest blessings are all of you!   You are the greatest family & we love all of you so very much!

CTR as always, Mom & Dad

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