Monday, July 3, 2017

ZOOM training with 3 couples!

July 2, 2017
Dearest Family,
     Happy Birthday, Chris, on Monday!  Happy Birthday, Aunt Marlene on Thursday!   Happy Birthday, Amber, on Saturday!   We hope you each have a wonderful day!
        Each week goes by so quickly!  ZOOM training with 3 couples!  A trip to the lake with the boat - weather was great - lake was calm - started to pull away from the dock & the steering was all locked up - could not turn it any direction - came home!  Dad, the great repairman, went into action & soon had it fixed!  He did learn after doing some research that there are several parts of the steering mechanism which needs to be greased & cleaned every year!  So. . . now we will try on Monday!

     Thursday morning, after a month of them scheduling & canceling, we were finally able to have a conference call with the Development team of the FamilySearch Tree & Memories Apps! There were probably 6 people on the call & it was a choice opportunity to visit with them!  
       Thursday evening was another very spiritual & wonderful evening with the TFH Consultants of our stake.  We were sharing with them one of the "Gatherers of the Kingdom" presentations which is just for consultants!  Their comments were so inspired and they were able to see & understand the vision of this work! They were seeing that 1 on 1 is the way to teach. These new presentations are so inspired & we are excited to share them!
         Saturday we traveled to Livingston, Montana & in the evening did 1 on 1 presentations with the Bishop & his wife, then Mom & Dad did with their two children, who are old enough to attend the temple.  How amazing it is when this is done & each person is able to print out an ordinance card for a special family member. All four of them had a card in hand which for someone they had found!

          Sunday we attended this ward & were welcomed  by the member of the bishopric who was conducting. During SS time we taught the ward council the "Gatherers of the Kingdom" presentation just for them - also in attendance was a member of the Temple Presidency & his wife, Pres & Sis Melin, whom we invited to attend went we saw them in the ward. In these presentations we talk about the spiritual & doctrinal side of T&FH & the many blessing which we each receive when we each prepare and take our own name to the temple.
           During the second hour, RS/Priesthood time we did hands on, like we usually do.  Pres. Melin offered inspired council about the Stake boxes which are at the Billings Temple & how they are actually a spirit prison for the names in them, some have been there as long as 9 years!  Comments were shared by all which continued to add to the spiritual atmosphere of the meeting. Bishop ended with an emotional testimony of his experience Saturday evening when he was looking at the draft registration cards for a great grandfather who had filled out cards for both WW1 & WW2. On one of them it told his occupation & that he was missing one of his hands! He testified of how important it was to get to know each of the individual that we do the ordinances for.

        As Dad was getting things picked up a young man with his wife & baby, came up to him & introduced himself as Ryan, a member of the Development team of the FamilySearch Tree & Memories Apps. (They were visiting friends in Livingston). He had been on the conference call with us on Thursday!!!!!!  We an amazing visit with him  & so enjoyed meeting him!  As we have looked back over the events of this day, we can see the Lord's hand in accomplishing this work!  
       We feel so blessed to be a part of this great work - his sacred Plan of Happiness!

We love you all   Have a great week! Mom & Dad

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