Wednesday, June 28, 2017

These past past two weeks have been great!

Dearest Family,
     Happy 3rd Birthday today to Emerson!!!     Then next Saturday, July 1, is Ryan's Birthday & on Tues, July 3 it is Chris's Birthday! Hope each one of you have a very special day!   Love you all!
      Well, it is time to get back in the grove.   I was just reviewing my past letters & am not sure when the last one was but I thought it saw 2 weeks ago!  
     These past past two weeks have been great!  Each Saturday we leave at abt 1 p.m. for Bozeman!  On Sunday Morning we have traveled to Belgrade & done training there for their Ward Councils. We love meeting the people!  Saturday nites have been spent at a kind Bishop's home. We so appreciate their hospitality! We have also met with his HPriest Group leader & several consultants. In these two wards there have been less connections to the BHBasin!  One brother was raised in Fromberg tho, left 39 years ago & moves to Bozeman.  They found the gospel there!  Today we also met a couple, she is from the Philipines & he from Sicily! Not to many records from those two countries are available for doing Family History.
    The weeks are flying by!  We have been doing lots of training  using a program called Zoom - it is amazing & works much better than Skype!  It has a lot more ability to share screens & show videos than others.Last week Dad was experimenting & had 4 people on, all taking an active part. Thanks to those of you who have helped? ?   We really appreciate it!
      Dad's latest Chromebook arrived last Wednesday & it seems to be working correctly!  He is really impressed with the speed that it works at!  
     One afternoon we helped in our Lovell FHC - Reviewing with Temple & Family History Consultants how to climb around in someone's tree, using the App & then help them find a name in 30-40 minutes!  this can be an amazing spiritual experience for people but is most successful is done "one on one"
      We have enjoyed having some of you stop in,   Allen & family last Saturday a.m, (Amber was at an Auxriliary Training Mtg, we missed you)  Darece has been by with Athena & Lucy! And Rob has stopped by!
     Here is the latest from Vicki about Cozy & also a picture:   "Hello dear family. Cozy has been home for several days. She is doing well. Kirena managed to catch her smile☺ Kirena tries not to think about the brain collapse too much, but it is worrisome for her.  It sounds awful, and it could be...but so far cozy seems fine. Her ventricles are like big water balloons in her head with brain matter on the outside. When they drained it allowed space for a part of the brain to fold over on itself. We are hopeful as her ventricles fill up to normal her brain will also go to it's correct spot. There is a chance the fluid will fill up around the fold, or hemorage, or brain bleed...but it's a 'wait and see how cozy acts' type of a thing. They won't do anything to prevent it. Just fix it if necessary."
     I am also attaching a picture taken today of Lexie! She was blessed today!

Love Dad and Mom

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