Wednesday, February 22, 2017

What a great week - weather has been warmer,

Dearest Family,
     Happy Anniversary, Bo & McKinzea, on Wednesday, February 22!

     What a great week - weather has been warmer, a pleasant break from all the cold we have had!  Above freezing every night & day, 40-50 degrees.  
     Today, we were in the Cowley 1st ward & in the Lovell 5th! Spoke in each of them in Sacrament mtg. Dad was also able visit with the High Priest group leaders in these two wards during SS time.  It is always so nice to be in our local wards.  It has also been nice to have a quiet evening here at home.   We have enjoyed talking to several of you this evening!
     Saturday we were in Billings, went up to check on internet in two of the buildings up there in preparation for training missionaries on the 28 of Feb.  It was also the day that Jerry & Jodee Sessions were receiving their endowments & being sealed.  Jerry is Dad's 1st cousin, his father Howard is a brother to Grandma Croft!  Also saw Will & Kesha Croft, his mom, Jennifer & her mother Iris Bassett. We had a great visit with them. He is in the Branch Presidency in Hardin, Montana.

      It has been a busy week with 4-5 Skype trainings to HP group leaders, TFH (Temple & Family History) Consultants, & others. We also did a webEx training on Wednesday with SLC sharing with them the ability to use the Apps & had some excited students.   Then again on Thursday Evening we received training from our TFH manager. This went out to other Area people in the North America Central Area which includes abt 25 couples. there were several new things that have been introduced since the Roots Tech Conference last week.   We are still trying to digest info from that.

     We did take time to go fishing at Deaver Res, no catching tho haven't figured out why its so slow there this winter!  Also went Visiting Teaching, Dolores & I have several new sisters to visit!  The refrigerator is now repaired, that is a relief.  Dad has been doing a little pruning in the orchard - an we also have plenty of water & some mud around!
     All our babies are doing great! 
     We send our love to all - Hope your Valentines Day was special!   CTR
Mom and Dad

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