Monday, February 13, 2017

RootTech in SLC this week

February 12, 2012
Dearest Family,
     Happy 38th Anniversary to Aunt Gaye & Uncle Frank on Wednesday, February 15th & Happy Birthday to Ken on Thursday, February 16!!!!  Hope all of you have a wonderful day!
    It has been a wonderful weekend!  RootsTech is going in SLC this week so we viewed some of this on the web and will do the other by video. This is where all the new things are announced for the coming year. We now have a new official title "Area Temple and Family History Consultants". Our assignment remains the same.

     Friday noon we left for Bozeman, Montana. Weather was wonderful going & coming home today!  Spent the weekend there, staying with the Stake President & his family!  Friday evening we were able to do Family History with his wife & children. Saturday a.m. we were able to work with him. We had climbed around in his tree & the hints helped him add a generation, finding names for the parents of one of his ancestors, even several maiden names for the women. He was able to print out several temple cards. He now knows of the joy of this work & later in the evening at the Saturday night meeting of Stake conference, shared this spiritual experience.   We enjoyed dinner with the Stake leadership that evening & then at 6 p.m. took part in the adult meeting.  We were so blessed to be able to share this work with the 300+ members, giving a presentation for 45 minutes.  We had some very special visits with brothers & sisters after the meeting. Today before & after the General Session of their Stake conference we visited with more having questions! Now tonight we are returning phone calls, etc.  We are also excited to have been invited by the Mission President to train missionaries at their Zone conferences, we will do this on-site and over Skype!
We have had an enjoyable week - even taking a morning to do a little fishing at Deaver 
Res, no catching tho!!!! Enjoyed sharing this work with several in their homes! This week 
has been the warmest all winter with sun, wind and  over 32' temps even close to 50 a 
couple days. This has really melted the snow in fact some areas are dealing with flooding.

    We are so thankful all our little ones are doing so good.  Have attached new pictures of the.   Cozy really growing no, almost 4 pounds. As you can see, Paisley & Brindle are growing also!

Love you all Mom and Dad

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