Tuesday, January 17, 2017

WOW did it snow this week!

Dearest Family,
      Oops - I was so excited announcing the latest babies & the engagement, I completely forgot to check on birthdays for the week!     A belated Happy Birthday to Michelle, she celebrated last Saturday!  And today, Sunday, Happy Birthday to Mica! Its her 19th birthday!
       WOW did it snow this week! Tuesday evening when I returned home from McKinzea's Pampered Chef party it was so cold, blowing & snowing!  I thought whoa, maybe we are in for an old fashioned blizzard!  We got up Wednesday morning to 4" of light fluffy stuff & no wind!  By noon we had a total of 17 inches of the beautiful white fluffy stuff!  And now it is 5 days later & we still have had no wind!  But the temperatures have bottomed out like & range from -10 degrees to -25 degrees. The high for the days have gotten up to 10 degrees above zero!  It has been a frigid last few days!   To our best recollection it was in 1978 when we had such a snow storm. By spring that year there was 5 ft of snow in our orchard but it was not as cold. Thank goodness we have a snow blower, which Dad used to clear the driveway and paths so we can do chores and he can do his walks!  It has been a must have this winter!

     On day Darece & I scoured out a couple of cupboards in the kitchen- she did the floor work & I washed things in the sink!  Since we didn't go to the temple in December to work in the laundry, she had picked up 5 pair of pants which needed heming! Had a nice morning getting that accomplished!
      Kept busy this week with Skype appointments!  We also helped in our stake with the monthly FH training meeting, alway so nice to see our friends here at home! Today was spent in Worland 3rd Ward. They are already doing some things in FH & several in the Ward council shared very special experiences!  "It is a very special experience when I am doing the name of an ancestor!"        "Today I had an uneasy feeling about someone & decided to do a little more looking. Clicked on an obituary which I don't usually look at. And there it was, a NEW family & their children."    " A Consultant was helping a Brother in the FHC & they were not making any progress! She felt inspired to ask if they could have a prayer together & he volunteered to say it.  After the prayer he said,  I think we should work on this line - there they found success!"

     Enjoyed several sporting events on Saturday - Melvin was in Lovell at a Middle School Wrestling Tournament, his first ever!  He got to wrestle in 4 matchs, the last one was for 3rd place.   We enjoyed watching him so much!  Allen's family all came out for lunch, also Amber's Mom & sister, Rachelle & two children!  In the afternoon, Dad & I went to Cowley to watch Talon's basketball game & then the girls game, Kaitlyn is a manager of that team! 

Love you all CTR as always Mom and Dad

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