Thursday, January 26, 2017

Dad & I enjoyed watching the inauguration!

Dearest Family,
     Happy Birthday this week to Whitney on Wednesday, Jan 25th & Nathan on Friday, Jan 28th!   Hope you each have a great day!!!  Our baby girls all seem to be doing well!  Feel so blessed! 

     It was a great day!  We were able to attend our own ward!  So great to see everyone, even if we were speaking!  Also attended and spoke in the Lovell 1st Ward!   Some of you know Christy Collins Jacobson, she & her husband, Brady, shared their experience in the temple last week when they were sealed & Dino was sealed to them!   How wonderful!
      It has been a good week:   Skype training, a trip to the temple, & a visit with Pres Getz, the temple president!   It was so nice to have a several days of moderate temperatures,  all above 0.  Tuesday evening I attended the Lovell 2nd Rel Soc social a nice 2 hrs together as sisters! On Thursday it even got up to 37 degrees - a real heat wave!  It was nice to go to several basketball games this week!
      Dad & I enjoyed watching the inauguration!   In fact we watched parts of it all day!  Have included a link to an interesting bit of info!  If it doesn't open when you click on it then copy & paste into your web browser!

We watched these events then saw parts of it on the various news channels and oh how they tear it apart turning it into negative issues. It's easy to see why todays news groups are being blasted for false news etc.
A wife of a stake prescy councilor called us one morning so excited about taking her own names to the temple then finding more names on her drive back home that day.  We recd the annual FH reports this week and our seven stakes are doing great. Everyone has a ward or two that is really moving which will fire up the others. We're grateful to be apart of the hastening of the Lord's Work! ! We will be in the Bozeman stake in mid Feb for 2 days during their stake conference doing training. We appreciate all your prayers for us as we do this work for the Lord blesses us everyday do very much!
Love you all Mom & Dad

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