Tuesday, May 17, 2016

we received word from the Fikes that about July 1st they will be moving to Billings

Dearest Family!   
    Happy Birthday, Rob, on Tuesday, the 17th & to Symphony, Happy 14th Birthday on Friday!  Hope you both have a great day!!!!
    We are so excited – we received word from the Fikes that about July 1st they will be moving to Billings.  Dak will be opening a chiropractic office there!  Sounds wonderful!  What exciting news to share with all of you!
    The highlight of today – having several people say. . . .“This is the first time I have ever found my own name to take to the temple!” We spent the day in Laurel visiting two different wards.  In both wards, during SS time we taught the ward council members to find names using the Family Tree App! 
    On Monday, we dug raspberry starts at a friends, came home & planted them, then built a fence around them!   The next two nights deer were all around that area – we sure were glad we had fenced them!!!!!! Dad has been busy every day watering them & they are looking great! 
    In addition to our usual home visits,  we have Skyped with Marlene several times.  She has a new laptop & we have been helping her with that! Technology is the greatest!  We have had special visits with a FH Consultant in a small branch, 200 miles from here.  We visit once a week because of her work schedule & her excitement is growing!
    It has been a great weekend – Friday noon Kathy & Bill arrived! We have had a nice visit.  On Saturday we went to Evee & Landon’s Temple Sealing!    It was wonderful & we are so happy for them!  They are also expecting a new little one in 3 weeks, in other words, any day!
        A wife (abt 35) of a High councilor over FH said, “we were taught how to do Descendancy search on our smart phones using the Family Tree app. We have found several relatives that need work done.  It has been so exciting to feel the spirit of Elijah grow in our hearts as we turn to our ancestors & try to serve them in a way that they cannot do for themselves.   It has been a miracle!” She & her husband went to the temple 3 times that week, once to do endowments, once to do sealings & her husband & daughter went to do baptisms for more names!  She went on to briefly list a few (8) miracles that had happened the previous 3 weeks. # 8 was:  “ Most of all I think the biggest miracle is happening in my own heart.  I have felt a love & connection to my ancestors that I have not felt before. I feel like they are watching me & they are helping me.  They want what I have, those blessings of the gospel & temple covenants. They have waited a long, long time & now I’m doing something for them that they can’t do for themselves. That is the true miracle!” 
    We are so blessed to be a tool in the Lord’s hands!  He guides us each day! There are so many times when I am surprised at the answer that comes, the doors that are opened as we visit with leaders & the hearts that are turned! The ‘spirit of Elijah’, the Holy Ghost bearing witness of the family is so amazing!  May I testify of His hand in this great work!
Love Mom & Dad

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