Monday, May 23, 2016

Each day this week, there have been people to help.

Dearest Family,
    Happy Birthday to my Sweetheart – one week from tomorrow!  Our love & prayers go out to Betty, she has been very ill, but is improving.
     What a wonderful day it has been – serving . . . . We left home at 7:00 a.m.  and returned home at 7:00 p.m. Spent the day in the Billings Stake center in Billings which has 4 wards meeting in it!  There were more familiar faces of folks from the Bighorn Basin now living in Billings. We attended Sunday School in each ward, Sacrament, Phd/RS in another, teaching the principles & blessings of Family History, & of finding names, again I just love the Lord's promises given by Elder Renlund & know that they are true, if we will do our part, we will be blessed in so many ways. We feel so blessed to have this opportunity to testify of His great promises.
    “You’ll find not only protection from the temptation & ills of this world, but you will also find personal power, power to change, power to repent, power to learn, power to be sanctified & power to turn the hearts of your family together, & heal that which needs healing.”

    Each day this week, there have been people to help.  Thru our time in the Public Library we have made some wonderful friends from our community, whom we continue to help on a weekly basis. At some time, we pray that they will embrace the Gospel. They do recognize that they feel something very special when they do this work.  (the spirit of Elijah)  I was also able to help a sister with a longer history she is writing in a word processing program. Another library patron offered help also on several features of the program. (We still don’t know who she was) Help is sent in many ways! Dad enjoyed Skyping with Marlene one evening doing family history.
    It has been a great week – doing so many different things.   I was able to finish the quilt for Mila, then on Thursday evening, Darece, Kaitlyn, Whitney, Talon & Mila came out to fish, she has wanted to fish in the pond since she first saw it!  It was a fun evening, fishing in the rain, then hot chocolate & giving her the quilt!  She leaves this Monday, & yes, we will all miss her happy, smiling countenance!

    There was that special experience we all have every 2 years! It is always great to renew temple recommends, what a choice time to ponder upon my progress & the direction I am going.
Even during these, the Lord opened the away & we were able to share sacred principles – we never cease to be amazed at the Lord’s hand in all things. It's so easy to teach others how to use the FS mobile apps or update them on new features.
    Had a beautiful morning at Bighorn lake on Friday!  It was fishing, not catching! Saturday morning Dad went fat tire biking with Rob near Cottonwood canyon, seeing many animals, old pioneer homesteads and beautiful scenery ! I had an enjoyable morning here at home! We were also able to plant a few tomato plants, green peppers & a few flowers!  Our new raspberries are doing great too. It is fun to watch several families of bunnies here by the house!  The squirrels keep destroying the bird nests in the trees so that's disgusting.  Dad's quail have not laid any eggs yet, wild ones show up every few days to check out the captive ones. The Barretts brought the sheep down to help us harvest grass and weeds for the summer.
    We love you all,  hope your week has been a great one!  Keep the faith! 
  Love Mother & Dad

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