Monday, April 18, 2016

WOW!!! what a week! It has been great!

Dearest Family!
    WOW!!! what a week!  It has been great!  Today has been so very nice!   We traveled to Red Lodge this a.m. to visit the branch there – probably 80 people attending!  We arrive about an hour early so we have time to test the internet in the building – the branch FH consultant arrived just after we did & she was an excited lady, progressive, & excited about the work!   She knew very little about doing Family history on handheld devices – so we began teaching her! Their Sacrament Meeting was great & then during SSchool we met with the Branch President, Elders Quorum President & FHConsultant! As we shared several videos & visited we could see that they were feeling the spirit or this work and beginning to see how it could help the members of the branch!  The Spirit of Elijah is wonderful!  We enjoyed a visit with Wade Fike and children, Wendy was visiting family this weekend. They drive about 45 miles to church from Joliet. After their meetings we went down the mountain & stopped at Belfry! They have a Senior Missionary couple who have just arrived there, they will be there for six months, helping in the branch.  We were blessed to share a little about the work with them, but will do more later. 

    Then this evening, we Skyped with a High councilor over FH in a stake!  This was our second time with he & his family.   Last Monday we did our first FHE with Mom & Dad, daughters 11 & 14, two sons, ages 7 & 9.   We had climbed around in their trees, & they are having a wonderful time finding names.  They are all amazed that they can do this & it is easy!!!!!   Tonight we answered questions & then a little more info!   It was so super to see them working together – and – so excited.  The perfect picture!!!  Another highlight for them was finding a branch of the tree that went back to Adam!

    We were helping one of our older sisters & we saw a green temple – a first for her!   She has never taken a name to the temple for one of her own ancesters!  That same afternoon, after helping a sister, she called all excited!  She had been entering some info from & connected to a name that went back to 700, this is on a line with no church members!  She & her husband were so excited!

    Wednesday, while I was helping a sister, Dad had a little time to go fishing!  no catching tho!   That afternoon a nasty cold bug hit me!    I really laided around for the next couple of days....  Dad started watering the orchard and pasture oh so dry the water just disappears.  The water was full of silt and sand that first day so his ditch filled up in  a few hours. He was able to wash it out and not have to shovel it away.

    He took care of our Thursday appointments by himself!  I had to get better for a Women’s conference in Worland on Saturday!   And we did have a wonderful time there!  We taught two classes, one on Family Search Tree & one on Family Search Memories!  It was just a quick exposure, that is all one can do in 40 minutes.   Melvin & Ira came & were our helpers plus 4-5 others.  We felt like it worked out great!   Thanks, Melvin & Ira!
    One evening, I was also able to join the Relief society in our own ward for a service project, helping clean up a yard!   It was so nice to be with the sisters for the evening!
Love to all of you,  Mom & Dad
April 17, 2016

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