Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Another great week!

Dearest Family,
    Happy Birthday to Rosie Grant on April 14thThursday & to Chalin on April 15Friday!  Have a great day!
Another great week!  Monday – Public Library Day, it was a quiet one – some days are slower than others because there are less people coming into the Library, but we still helped several people.  One lady was looking at scrapbooks, the Newspaper decided to get rid of all the old proofs of photos. Someone put them all in scrapbooks & took them to the library.  They were so fun to look at!
     On Tuesday, I was at the FHC updating the bulletin board & putting up our Million Names Indexing poster! We wanted to have both updated for our Stake conference. While I was there, this same lady came into the FHC to look at other scrapbooks that we have there.  They cover a different time period.  It is always nice to have new people come into the FHC

    Also got a perm, thanks so much, Darece!   and then a haircut on Tuesday, It always makes me feel better!  I gave Dad a haircut too!  I think we are on the same schedule!
    We attended the funeral of Shirley Busteed then went to Powell in the afternoon!  Dad had Northwest college LDS scholarship meetings.  There were 47 youth that received a part of the $64,000 awards this year. We're grateful we have setup the two scholarships as part of this amount!  I spent the afternoon with Gaye, it was nice to visit & do a little FH.

    Bill & Kathy came for a visit on Thursday afternoon, it was great to see them.  Friday we went to Billings to the temple & a stop at Cabela’s!  Nice day in the temple & a nice evening together also!  Dad & Bill worked out a way to use his electric trolling motor on his boat easier. They use their boat fishing the mtn lakes above Lander. They left Saturday A.M. & Allen, Amber & family arrived.  The boys were at a Bighorn Basin Middle School Music Festival which was held here in Lovell this year.  Had lunch together & went to the Festival Concert, was lots of fun! Had fun fishing and playing games with the kids,

    This week end was our Stake Conference, so very nice.  Enjoyed the Saturday evening meeting & today. We were able to meet  with the Mission President & his wife, and also the new Temple President & his wife.  There are things we can do in our calling to help both of them! 
    Also had a nice time in Cody 4th ward, 1st Sunday combined adults/youth FH lesson. It was taught by a member of the Bishopric, how to find names for the temple, then a workshop so they could learn the process.  It was great & very successful!   We were the backup helpers plus stayed another hour to help more, ate our supper then headed home. Made our appointment for next Sun to be in Red Lodge,MT. We will be in the Worland stake on Sat for their women's conference teaching mobile apps. The hastening continues and we're grateful to be able to help! !
CTR we love you all Mom & Dad

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