Monday, September 29, 2014

We taught several classes – the best was a youth group

Dearest Family!   
    It seems strange – no birthday or anniversary wishes – just our prayers for a safe & great week! 
    It was a great & wonderful Sabbath day!  We taught several classes – the best was a youth group, often they get too large & we feel we can’t help them one on one.  It was a small group & with several helpers we were able to help them individually!  Several of them were successful finding temple names using the Descendency feature of FS. They are were able to learn & then do it by themselves! 
    We have been taking our lunch to Cowley the past several weeks & today just before lunch Bro Croft was visiting with an Elder’s Quorum Presidency who were sharing the stage, our computer lab, for their lesson. He mentioned that sometime we would be happy to share some Family History with them. The counselor/teacher for today then said, “Oh today our lesson is Elder Cook’s talk, “Roots & Branches” You are welcome to come!”  We gobbled our sandwiches & went to their class. It was special to share how we are all blessed by the spirit of Elijah when doing this work, whether non member, inactive or active.  They had questions about indexing, & were amazed at how any aspect of FH affected so many people.  Then when the class was over, the teachers son, whom I had helped in the youth class came by to go home with his Dad & we were able to talk about Christina who lived to be 102 whom we had found in his tree. We both wanted to learn more about her!!!!!      Sunday evening in the FHC is always great. Tonight during the course of the evening there were 8 youth in!   On young lady reached her goal of indexing 1000 names.Two 2 others worked with their grandma, what a team they are!  We had our Sunday evening family who were searching & finding.......

    By the way, the Grandma stories are up to 13,312!   Have you shared your?    Another exciting announcement today – on the Family Search home page after you sign in, is the link for all members of the church to sign up for,, &   This is a great blessing for all of us & gives us access to so much more information & people to share & communicate with.
    We were able to spent some extra time in the FHC this Wednesday, since Sis. NeVille was ill – it was great – with some patrons in.  We were also able to meet with our High Councilor over FH & help him learn about indexing & also work on his own FH.

    Home visits were great with spiritual times for all – finding new people, learning about adding pictures – just enjoying the spirit of it all.  was helping one sister harvest ordinances using the Descendancy view in Family Tree, when she said, “Look, this couple has no children”  She has found several families to add to Family Tree by following the Hints & doing some research! I helped JQ here at the house one evening, we have scanned a lot of pictures, & it takes some time to get them all linked. 
    Friday we had a great trip to Billings, time in the temple was so great!   We were able to do some initiatory!  Had lunch, & did a stop at WalMart.   Brother Croft & Bro Josh Tippetts did some computer upgrades at he FHC also that night! Saturday we did more of our pDay things plus put in the exhaust fan in the greenhouse and a few misc things to get it all going. The tomato cuttings are a ft tall now with some new blossoms also the radishes are growing well. Rob came by and had lunch with us plus he and Michelle came back later to see the green house hydroponic setup. Really nice to have time to visit with them!  I attended the women’s broadcast with the Grant girls in the evening, a wonderful spiritual meeting! Dad watched it at home too.

   It has been a wonderful week!  
 We love you all,   CTR      Bro & Sis Croft

Monday, September 22, 2014

We had a wonderful time meeting with our Family History Youth Consultants this evening,

Sept 21, 2014
Dearest Family,
       Congratulations to Lindsay & Connor on their engagement!   They will be married on January 3, 2015!
    It is one of those unwind evenings, & I am having a difficult time getting settled into writing a letter.   Today is still a blur - It has been so very special & busy! Gave two lessons, had several open library time, but there were people to help & successes! That is the great part!  We had a wonderful time meeting with our Family History Youth Consultants this evening, we now have 15 of them! We took some goodies to eat and then just spent 45 minutes visiting together about how they see FH going in our stake. As usual they came up with some profound insights on how to excite the stake youth and adults. We went back to help in the FHCenter while they put together a possible indexing challenge for the youth in our stake to present to the stake prescy. In about 30 minutes they ask us to read it and ask was good! Now for the next step.

    Then from 7-9 p.m. we had 8-10 people in the FHC! I helped Grandma (my age) & grand-daughter, a fired up young lady!  We were doing research on a family – and it is beginning to fall into place!  I also helped another young lady trying to understand a family!  It was a big family, two died young, 4-5 died between the ages of 17 & 22.  Why?   We are still seeking an answer!  We are unable to see the original death certificates, just the indexed version, so no cause of death is known.  The births & deaths are happening between 1911-1935. This will be a special experience doing the temple work for this family! Learning the joys & sorrows, it seems the sorrows out weigh the joys, of this family is hard to imagine! I’ll try to remember to let you all know the results of this search!
    It was our week to cover the FHC on Wednesday – again this was a busy day for us.    I’ve been helping Debbie for some time with a family of her’s! It’s another puzzle we are are trying to put together! We worked a little on it today also & maybe found some more pieces!   Sometimes we solve some very interesting mysteries!

    Each day we were blessed to have 3-4 appointments -  brothers & sisters doing FH by adding photos, indexing, finding names of family they didn’t know before & sharing stories! Here is a link to the newest activity!   It is called “Memories of Gramma”       I challenge each of you to go to the site, watch the video, & add a memory of one of your grandmothers! That would be a great FHE for tonight!  Yours will be one of 10,000 memories posted during the next 10 days!
    Besides FH activities, we have also enjoyed the Lovell HS Homecoming Pep rally & football game, Whitney and Drake Welch were Homecoming Queen and King. We helped Krysta celebrate her 20th birthday, & spent Saturday morning fishing! Dad caught two nice saugers!  I did find a few moments to quilt, but it was very few!  maybe this week! We got our old hydroponic unit going again in the greenhouse so we can have some fresh produce this winter. With the new water supply it was easy to make it work. Dad took some cutting from our garden tomatoes that are already blooming. Also have radishes, spinach, etc growing! What a sweetheart he is to do this!

    We are so grateful for the protection of Joy & Chalin today! An accident happened right behind them & they were returning from visiting Vicki’s family this week end! They were very blessed!
    Just wanted to share this thought which was given in a talk today!  And I quote:  A THOUGHT IS A PROMPTING UNLESS PROVEN OTHERWISE! Speaker was unsure of the source.
    And to all the Sisters in our family, ages 8 & up, remember to attend the Broadcast this Saturday Evening!
Love to all & CTR     Bro & Sis Croft

Monday, September 15, 2014

Now lets see – where do I start!

Sept 14, 2014

Dearest Family,   
    Happy Birthday to Krysta & Rhonda!!!!    Hope you have a great day!
Now lets see – where do I start!   It has been quite a week! I am not sure where to start!  It was service days Mon & Wed 6:30-10:00 a.m. at the blood draw, I do data entry there. It is great to see people – people I don’t usually see except there.   It is also a reminder for Bro Croft & I to get our blood work done!  I
    Our Sunday was a busy one!    It seems like several wards are starting all over!   Several have new High Priest Group Leaders, several new consultants, 5-6 new youth consultants!  There is lots of training going on but it is wonderful, but sometimes overwhelming also!   We had several open library times in wards today, several classes & tonight in the FHC 5 youth consultants came in, new ones that we were helping get started plus other patrons!  It so very special to help them find names when they are finding new people who are not in the tree!  One young lady came in this afternoon & we just kept running into walls then this evening she came in again & we were able to find a family – there are supposed to be three children & we have only found 2. There are other places to look – more inspiration also! A young man was helping his sister with a family & we found a second husband & more children!  Bro Croft also had success with a young man who just wanted to search his direct line, but discovered searching for cousins is great & yields a rich harvest! 

    The very special part of our mission is the guidance which we receive – it comes so quietly & in such natural ways, many times I have to back away & take a second look to realize how much help I’ve received.  Last week an elderly Sister, age 94, “MB” called. Her granddaughter had called & wondered if she could do some names  which MB had reserved.   MB didn’t remember reserving them, & didn’t know her password or how to do the process!   While we visited, the inspiration came to accomplish the process- oh-so quickly!  I felt very blessed!

    Public Library Day was great! JQ & I were able to link 30 + pictures to her tree, she does great & we love working together!   Bro Croft had three ladies all wanting help about the same time!  They are all excited about learning more & having some problems solved.  After one of the blood draw days, I went to help a sister whom I didn’t know had called & canceled. She decided to work anyway, since I was there & the spirit helped us solve some tough questions.  
    Another highlight of the week was a meeting with all the Bishoprics of the Stake. We were able to share info about the Youth Temple Challenge & the power Family History has to lift all members of their wards. What a wonderful experience to share our testimonies with this group of very special brethren!

    Weather has been colder & Bro Croft has been doing some winterizing & fall work out side. It froze things on Thursday and Friday nights getting to 28’. Many of the beans and sunflowers of the local farmers are gone  now, a big financial loss for them. Finally, Friday I was able to get some cleaning, etc done in the house plus laundry & baking.  We spent a great day in Worland on Saturday.  It was great to help Allen & Amber get his elk cut up!

    When we got home Sat night we found our driveway flooded and after some checking learned why. A neighbor who doesn’t use much common sense turned the head gate full open which gave 3 times more water than the ditch can carry so it ran across our old garden, the quail pens & down to the driveway into the meat room and old barn building. Had it gone longer it could have got to the house via the lower green house. The time it all took place was determined from the other neighbor. About noon the water was turned on and began to flood, around 4pm the ditch rider was going by the main canal south of us and noticed the canal coming our way was too full so she reduced the flow which in turn stopped the over flow at our house a mile north. We got home at 5:30pm to find the mess but the ditch was no longer flooding. We called the ditch rider couple who came to put a tag on the head gate and set it at the proper level to prevent more flooding overnight or later. They were not aware of the flooding until we called them to come see the situation. We were very blessed to have the water turned off when it was, our ditch rider was an angel of mercy.
We love you all – CTR & have a great week!          Bro & Sis Croft

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

It has been a wonderful week,

September 7, 2014
Dearest Family!   
    Happy 2nd Anniversary to Micah & Kirena! 
    It has been a wonderful week, beginning with a holiday,   Labor Day!  We were busy at home that day – learned that Phil & Emma, sons; Adam & Ira were at their home thru the field  putting a new roof on the house. Baked a batch of cinnamon rolls & headed over there.  It was so great to see them! They are such wonderful people & we enjoyed having them for neighbors!
Also had a great Family Home Evening with one of the Bishop’s & his family!

    Each day we had appointments, helping with Family History or indexing!  It was a little bit of everything, including helping several with their internet connections. Bro Croft is getting better & better at handling these problems.   Wednesday evening we thought we would visit with people at two different ward harvest dinners!   We were really looking forward to it!  Got to the Lovell 4th ward Dinner & boy did the wind come up – and then the temperature dropped!  Had to hold on to your plate with one hand & eat with the other & still sometimes the food blow away! It was just plan miserable – finally just came home – without going to the 2nd ward party!  Enjoyed a birthday dinner at Darece’s, her traditional stuffed tomatoes!   Was so nice to be with her, Whitney, Kaitlyn, Talon, Bo & McKinzea!   We enjoyed it so much!

    Had a beautiful morning at the Lake on Friday, calm, sunshiny & the catching was great!   We were on the lake from 9:30 to 11:30 & caught 3 saugers & lost a really big one just as were were netting it! Dad also caught 5 catfish, but all were just a little small for keepers! Mom caught the biggest sauger at 4 1/2 lbs and 25 inches. We came home, Dad cleaned the saugers & I spent the afternoon quilting with 4 great ladies!   The quilt is getting very close to being done! Dad also got the meat cooler room ready for Al’s bull elk.

    Congrats to Allen on the successful archery bull elk hunt!  The elk was killed in the Bighorn mtns above Tensleep.  He brought it to our house to hang in the meat cooler room on Saturday A.M.  We enjoyed having Allen & the three oldest ones here for lunch! We ate fresh elk “philly sandwiches” too. . .very tasty!
Love you all & CTR
Bro & Sister Croft

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Three hours of our pDay at Crooked Creek Bay in Big Horn Lake

A fun time on the water!
We caught these large 4 lb plus Sauger and several small Catfish in our 3hr trip!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

We had a great visit with Chris via Skype on Thursday!

August 31, 2014
Dearest Family,   
    Happy Birthday to Aunt Gaye today, Sunday, August 31, & to Darece on Thursday, September 4!   Hope your day is or was great!  Welcome home Chris!
    I enjoyed working with J Q on our Public Library day, she has been writing memories of her aunts, uncles, grandparents & adding them to the tree!  We have also scanned in lots of photos, we have added lots & still have lots to go!  We are making progress!  She doesn’t have a computer so we just work on each Monday!    It was quiet for Bro Croft this week!  Indexed with our sister this week, had several cancellations!  
    Our Day in Cowley was great!   The two elders came in, they are having a conference in Billings next week & will get to go to the temple – they are always so excited for this!  Both found a name to do the endowment for & a brother who was also there working on FH volunteered to do the Baptism & initatory  on the names so that the names will be ready next week!  That was so sweet of him!  Aren’t people just the greatest! We have had several new bishops in the stake in the last several months & this week we were able to meet with one of them!  It was a special time of feeling & sharing the spirit of  this great work.

    We had a great visit with Chris via Skype on Thursday!  It was super to see & talk to him– he was reporting his mission today!
    Marlene & Valyn flew in on Thursday & Bill & Kathy came up from Riverton!   We got together with them Thursday afternoon & evening. Marlene, Kathy & I did some indexing of obituaries – they are so fun, but a little tricky! Sure enjoyed visiting!  Marlene, Valyn, Gaye’s family all went to the Big Horns on Friday!  Bill, Kathy, Dad & I went to Billings to the temple!  All of us had a great time! Again on Saturday we were able to get together again! Looking at photos on Family does wonders to inspire stories & memories!!!  It was a slower Sunday, with classes small because of the holiday, but there was walk in traffic which is great!   Had more youth into the FHC tonight & also in two wards there were new Youth Consultants were sustained! I am forwarding a FS newsletter to all or you which includes the links to setting up accounts with the Partner Sites, Ancestry, My Heritage, & Find My Past. Let me know if it does not work!

    Quite a wet week everyday some rain, making the hay harvesting stop just like on the first cutting. We are seeing a few deer as we are moving around in our work, even a 2 pt wt tail buck eating apples in the orchard most every day. Dad and I each have 2 deer licenses this fall that we can use from Oct  1 to Dec 31. We almost got one before the season opened on Thursday night when we came home.
    With schools now in session we will have fewer apt cancellations as families will be staying home. We will still attend some of the sporting events to support all the youth we work with in FH!  Plus we always pick up apts with families at these games.
Love you all, CTR

Bro & Sister Croft