Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Another great day, & week!

July 14, 2014
Dearest Family!  
       Happy Birthday, Ky!   15 years!  This will be a special week for Ethan & Bekah – Temple Wedding  on Saturday!!! All of our missionaries letters were wonderful!
  Another great day, & week!   A little slower than normal,  Summer holidays & reunions, etc. but it was nice anyway!  Had a nice FHE this week with a family,  8 yr old daughter & 15 yr old son!   She shared the story & picture of her baptism & he is looking for temple names!  Indexing with two elderly – they are so grateful to be able to contribute something!  

    Had a visit with Terry & Elsie Peters, who used to be our neighbors.   They have moved to Sheridan, but came over to get some pigeons from Dad.  It was great to visit with them. Dad was also busy with home projects, fixing tub faucet and a fence  around the pond.   Will work on that one more this week.  I picked the first dish of raspberries, tomorrow there will be more!  Ryan & Rhonda’s quilt is complete & Bo & McKenzea’s is on the frames.   I quilted & rolled one side this week & Saturday Arlene Collins came  & she is more experienced & faster than I. We were able to roll the other side.  Hurray!! now we can quilt on all sides – Next Friday will try to invite several more people to help & accomplish a little more!

      Friday we were able to Skype with cousin Jane in Denmark.   We are enjoying this so very much! Always able to give some help with Family History!   Melvin also called this week with some questions – we were able to solve his problem! We were also able to talk to the Fikes this week, Symph’s helping friends in Laramie!
    We are learning more about the Youth Temple Challenge each day!  Stake leaders are introducing it to the Bishops of the wards & it is going to be great!   We met with our Youth Consultants tonight & enjoy their great spirits so very much!  Sunday classes were great today! Consultants in two of the wards decided to begin teaching their classes.   We are the backup support! & they did great!  Had fun classes in several other wards today & one youth class!  It was also a busy evening in the FHC tonight with 3-4 patrons & some consultants learning new things,
    Big Sky will be here real soon! ! !

        We love the work & are so grateful to have this blessing in our lives!   CTR everyone & we love you all!
Bro & Sister Croft                (Busy day yesterday, just didn’t get this sent!)

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