Monday, July 21, 2014

Always great!

July 20, 2014
Dearest Family!  
    Happy Birthday to Vicki on Monday & Talon on Tuesday, the big “13”!!! Congratulations to Ethan & Bekah!  Yesterday was their eternal marriage.  This was a great week,  With a wide variety of activities!!! Started out with the day at the Public library! Always great!
     Had an amazing FHE this week! The Father in the home had never had the experience of finding & taking his own family name to the temple! That was our goal.  The spirit was there & it was accomplished. Other family members were able to get their trees connected. One daughter had had trouble setting up her account, with help from SLC we were able to get this corrected & also be guided to a name for her to take to the temple! The evening was one of blessings & guidance from the spirit. Four year old daughter also learned to add pictures. Again on Wednesday we returned to help the Mom, She & I accomplished  several things & Bro Croft & the little girl added more pictures – she does indeed know how to add photos & stories!
    We’ve helped with indexing, spent a busy morning in the Family History Center, & even got a perm & hair cut!  (that is refreshing)   While I was there, Bro Croft did errands & preparations for the Big Horn lake Day on Saturday! 
    Thursday we were able to help several new missionaries who serve in Cowley with their FH – they will be great at using it as a proselyting tool!  They have great testimonies of it & the Spirit which goes with it! Also had two others come for help.
    Day of service in the afternoon!   Friends of Bighorn Lake always help the Park Service one day a year when they have an employee activity.   Volunteers man the Visitors Center so all can attend.  We were there in 11:30 – 5:00.   They had a few extra challenges at their activities with boat problems, so it was longer than expected.
    The Big Horns were beautiful – a trip to acclimatize Bro Croft for Big Sky.  I was able to have several ladies over to quilt in the afternoon.   Helen Kay, Pricilla Caturia, Rebecca Walker, Darece, Whitney & Kaitlyn, & Rachelle Weeks who stopped on an errand for Amber & decided to join us.  It is so nice to work around a quilt & visit!
    Saturday at the Lake was so nice, weather was perfect, It was great to visit with the people, see friends & make new ones. There were  512 who  enjoyed the free boat rides from 8am to 4pm.  The Triathlon had fewer people participate this year, we had to change our weekend which may have conflicted with other such events in the area. As usual it takes over 60 volunteers for the day to help the visitors. 

    Then we were able to end or start this week with the Sabbath day!  Several ward consultants gave the lessons today & we just backed them up!  They did great!  A ward Mission Leader came to the center this afternoon to see if we could give the presentation which we had given to the Ward Mission Leaders in the stake to his 7 ward missionaries.  We gave him several nights when we were available – He chose tonight – we scrambled a little but felt it went well.   Others helped us out covering the FHE for the time we were gone!   We also attended a young man’s Eagle Ct of Honor who is really into FH!
    We love you all & CTR! 
Bro & Sister Croft
  Will be seeing everyone before long at Big Sky!

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