Monday, August 19, 2013

Had a great week!!!

August 18, 2013

Dearest Family!

We have seen many of you this last week!  It is always so very good, we love you all so very much & enjoy being with you! Happy Belated Birthday to Ethan August 1 & Camille August 13! Also a Belated Anniversary to Vicki & Bryan, July 31 & today to Ken & Darece. I haven’t done a very good job of remembering these special days lately!
Had a great week – Quiet at the Library, then Tuesday was busy!  We enjoyed our indexing ladies so very much, they have the sweetest spirits, so enjoy being able to contribute. Their sincerity is amazing. Was blessed to take one of them to Powell Tuesday afternoon. Tuesday Evening had several people in, finding ancestors!  One sister was searching a film, & found Anna Wooten, the widow of John the mole catcher, then John, the mole catcher! We then had to do some research to learn that there really were & are mole catchers in England, even today & they do just that! At one home, a sister who is a convert, had a goal to have have all the temple work ready on her first 4 generations. It is all in her temple file, ready to be printed all except one we are waiting to hear from SLC on.  She will soon be sealed to her parents! What a sweet blessing!
Lovell 4th Ward is doing a big project to find names for the temple They were in twice this week, once on Wednesday then again today! I did a quick review of the sign in book as we left tonight at least 70 people, from all 5 wards, 4 of which were youth groups came into the center today! it was busy, & we so appreciate the help from leaders & extra consultants!  You are all the greatest! Not counted in this total tonight were the adult groups in the two Cowley Wards.
Friday morning we took the remainder of our pDay at Bighorn Lake catfishing. As you can see from the photos in our blog Sister Croft caught supper for us! We had a great time, very calm with awesome reflections and only one other boat in Crooked Creek bay! Friday some “Service Fairies” appeared & weeded the flower beds & vaccumed, so appreciated it.
Saturday A.M. we spent with Frank, Gaye & Marlene!  Was their desire to work on FH! Thanks so much for the special time we enjoyed with you! Marlene also shared with us her visit to see Betty last week.  Megan, Barry & Marlene had gone to Clearfield & taken her out to lunch, said they had a great time, & Betty enjoyed it so very much.
We feel so blessed we were able to attend the 5th Ward this afternoon & hear Ethan report his mission. We also enjoyed spending an several hours with him & seeing his photos,& hearing the precious experiences which go with them. Ethan, you are a great example to all of us! 
Just to share an experience I(Dad) had with a new deacon in one of our Youth FH classes today. He was kind of sad he had missed last week and was behind the other youth in looking for names. He is new in his ward and no membership number yet so I signed in and then we found his grandfather so he could see his tree. He didn’t find any  green arrows and was getting discouraged. I told him to look around some more and when he felt he was at the right spot by the Holy Ghost to let me know as I was also helping other youth. The young man found an end of line on his tree and said this is where we needed to look. Hitting the new search feature on the Person page gave us an amazing result. We found this person as a 2 yr old on an immigration record card from Switzerland to New York along with first names and ages of 3 other people. We searched each name and also found cards for them. We had found the entire family: mom and dad in their 20’s plus two little boys 2 and 5 yrs old. The young man was so excited to find another generation!!! Mom and I have several similar experiences today. The work is truly being hastened in our stake!!!!
CTR as always, we love you Brother and Sister Croft

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